Epilogue : Desolation

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He laid on a cold stone floor. He slowly drew his eyes open to a throbbing head. He groaned as he tried to focus his fuzzy vision. He gently rubbed the back of his head, where the throbbing mainly resided. The room, or better yet, the cell, he was in was dark. The only light was a slight eerie red glow that entered through the gaps between the bars.

It took a second for his eyes to adjust but soon his vision could make out somewhat of his surroundings. However he still couldn't depict where he was. What had happened to him?

Memories of the previous night flashed through his mind. His failed attempt to save his father and the attack by the russet haired, red eyed demon. But most importantly he remembered Jacks betrayal. That memory sent him over the edge as he curled in on himself and sobbed.

He wrapped his arms around his legs as he pulled them up to his chest. He couldn't believe he'd let Jack back into his life again and he'd done this. He'd trusted Jack. He gave him a second chance and he'd let him down again.

It wasn't until heavy footsteps resounded through the room did he raise his head. A looming figure stood right outside the cell. Marcus' eyes immediately widened with recognition as soon they landed on the figure. Ashon.

"Welcome home little bird," he said, his voice raspy but clear. Marcus' breath hitched as his heart rate picked up.

A sinister smirk curved the beast's face as he stared down at his prey. He had him, he had his little bird, now he could get the revenge that was owed to him.

He dragged his clawed hand along the cell bars, creating a screeching sound. Marcus' trembled at the sound. He stared up, his lip quivering as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

He knew it in that moment, the world was doomed, he was doomed.


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