Part 71

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Yn Pov
So later that night in Nola after my show we went back to the hotel. I told Drew to get ready because I'm taking him out for his Birthday! I know he think I forgot but I didn't. It's a surprise dinner. I've been planning this whole time.

I asked my manager backstage at my concert if she could watch lourdes for me and she agreed so back at the hotel I packed the stuff that she needed for a over night stay. And gave her a bath and put her pjs on.

Lo- Where are you and daddy going mommy?

Yn- *Packing her bag* We are going out.

Lo- Where?

Yn- *Whispers* Its a surprise.


Yn- Do you wanna take your toys babe?

Lo nodded so I packed her toys. I wrapped her blanket around her.

Yn-*Yells* Drew!

Drew- * Yells back* Wussup?

He was in the shower.

Yn- I'm taking lourdes down to the other floor. I'll be back. *Yells*

Drew- *Yells back* Ok.

I walked out the room and I got on the elevator. The hotel people were playing my song "Grown Women" on the elevator. They're only doing that because they know I'm staying in the hotel.

Lo-*Singing* I'm a grown women! I can do whatever I want.

Yn- *Laughs* I can do whateva I want.

The elevator stopped on the second to the last floor. This is were my crew and stuff stay. Always on the floor below me. I knocked on my manager door and she opened it.

Manager- Hey Lolo. *Smiles*

Lo- Hey!

Lourdes reached for her so I gave her to her.

Yn- Thank You so much.

Manager- No problem. We're going to have so much fun.

Lourdes smiled.

Yn- Alright. *Chuckles* Bye baby.

Lo- Bye mommy.

I gave lourdes a kiss and thanked my manager again and I got back on the elevator. I went back to my room on the top floor and when I walked in I saw Drew all ready. He was sitting on the couch texting. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I ended up wearing a red and black dress with black heels. I put my hair in a bun and applied natural makeup with some red lipstick. I walked out the bathroom and posed in front of Drew.

Yn- How do I look?

Drew- Beautiful. As always.

Yn- *Smiles* Thank You. You ready?

Drew- I've been ready. *Chuckles*

I grabbed Drew hands and pulled him up off the couch.

Yn- Your heavy. *Giggles*

Drew- Or maybe your just weak?

Yn- Whatever. Let's go.

We walked out the room with my bodyguards and got on the elevator. We got to the lobby and people literally freaked when they saw us together. Fans of Drew gave me nasty looks but my fans had my back. Paparazzi's were outside when we walked outside. Our car wasn't here yet. At least that's what Drew thought. One of my bodyguards went and got Drew's birthday present. He came around the corner in Drew's Car. It was a black 2015 Bentley Continental GT. It had a big red bow on it. My bodyguard stopped the car in front of us. I tapped Drew and threw him the keys.

Yn- *Smiles* Happy Birthday.

Drew's face was priceless.

Drew- This is mine?

I smiled and nodded. He embraced me and gave me a long passionate kiss. The camera flashes were crazy then.

Drew opened the car door for me and I got in. He went around the car and got in too. I waved bye to the cameras as we drove off. I turned on the radio and Wale ft Jeremih "The Body" came on. Drew grabbed my hand.

Drew- Your the best you know that?

Yn- *Smirks* What can I say.

Drew- *Chuckles* I actually thought you forgot about my birthday.

Yn- How can I forget your birthday Drew. *Chuckles*

Drew- Your busy now and all.

Yn- Not enough to forget important dates.

I intertwined me and Drew's hands and he kissed my hand. When we got to the restaurant they took us up to the rooftop. I requested for that. Mainly because if we are on the inside I we were going to hear was flashing noises. We ordered wine and our food. In the middle of our dinner some fans spotted us at the top of the roof. We waved to them. Then the chef brought out Drew's dessert. I snap a picture of him and sung Happy Birthday to him. He fed me some of his dessert and when we finished we had a small conversation.

Drew- Thank You.

Yn- No problem. You helped me out so it was only right.

Drew-*Chuckles* How did you know I wanted that car?

Yn- Your mom told me you've been talking about it.

Drew-*Chuckles* Wow. I was going to buy it.

Yn- Now you don't have to. *Laughs*

Drew- Just wait until your birthday. *Smirks*

Yn- Don't go doing nothing crazy.

Drew- No promises. *Chuckles* You ready?

Yn- *Checks Time* Yea.

As we were walking out paparazzi's were asking a lot of question. One of them caught my attention.

Paparazzi- *Yells* Yn over here! What do you think about Andrew turning 22? *Taking Pictures*

I smiled and answered his question.

Yn- 22 never looked so good. *Smiles*

Drew helped me into the car and we drove back to the hotel. When we got there we valid parked and got out. We took the elevator up to the top floor. The whole ride Drew was joking so when the door opened I basically stumbled off the elevator laughing. I took my heels off while walking down the hall. All of a sudden I'm being lifted off my feet. We got to the door and I opened it. When we walked in we saw rose petals everywhere with candelas lite.

Drew- Did you do this?

Yn-*Smirks* Maybe.

I closed the door with my foot.

Yn- Happy Birthday.

And then I leaned in and kissed him.

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