Part 14

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Drew POV

I'm not dead if that's what your thinking but I'm pretending to scare Yn & Lo since they want to hit people with pillows early in the morning.

Yn- Omg drew! *Panics*

That's when I jumped up and her and Lo went flying of the bed Lo had her eyes covered and yn's hand was over her mouth.

Me- *Laughs* Yall should see your faces.

Yn- Not cool drew. We were scared.

Me- Awww why. *Pokes out lips*

I thought she was gonna say " Because I love u" but...

Yn- Because your my child's father and I wouldn't want anything like that to happen to you. Now get up. Your mom made breakfast.

I got up and picked up Lo.

Me- Your mom is a big baby.


Yn Pov

I went down stairs and greeted Mrs. Hakeema with a "Goodmorning"

Latoya- Goodmorning. Where's Lo and Drew.

Me- Oh. They're upstairs. They should be down in a minute.

Latoya- Ok. Lourdes was a big girl yesterday. *Takes sip of coffee* She kept wanting milkshakes too. Knowing me I gave them to her.

Me- Yes. *Laughs* She LOVES milkshakes. She would drink them all day if she could.

Latoya- *Laughs*

Me- Wasn't the cookout suppose to be yesterday?

Latoya- Oh yes but some people aren't in town yet. So that hit us just right because we got to spend some time with Lo. *Smiles* It's today. That's what Den is doing out back. Setting up a few things.I think it's good yall came. I'm really enjoying you for company.

Me-*Smiles* Thank You. Need any help.

Latoya- That'll be lovely. *Hands me a bowl of oatmeal to sit on the table*

When me and Latoya was done setting up for breakfast in comes Lo running at full speed.

Drew-Im gonna get chu.

Lo-*Screams* !

She then hid behind my legs.

Drew- I got you! *Picks her up*

Lo- *Giggles* You cheated.

Drew- I did not! *Sits her in her high chair*

Yes Lo stills sits in her high chair buts that's only because she's a little shorty.Anyways after breakfast Latoya had me go on a little grocery run. I went to Walmart while in there I decided I'll get Lourdes a little toy. I went to the toy section. When I got there I saw 3 little girls and this fine tall, light-skin man. Godsh he was perfect. And guess what...he caught me looking.

??- Take a picture it'll last longer. *Chuckles*

Me- Oh I'm -I- I'm sorry. *Turns around*

??- Hey I know who you are.

Me- Me?

??- Yea, your that new upcoming artist? Yn right?

That's when I caught on to he Nola (New Orleans) accent.

Me- Yea. *Smiles* That's me.

??- I thought that was you. My people want me to do a song me chu. So dats how I knew. *Laughs*

His people?

Little girl- Uncle August, *Pats him* We want this on?

August? The August Alsina! Omg!

August- Whats dat Kay? *Looking at the box*

Kay- It's a my little Barbie girl doll.

Awwww she so cute. I'm guessing these are his kids.

Me- They're are yours? *Smiles*

August- Nah. Dey my brothas. Aye can I get Ya number? buizness reason Ya know?

Me-*Laughs* sure.

I put my number in his phone and he put his in mine. While I was doing that I saw ❤️Nicki M❤️ in there.

Me- Oooh I see you. * shows him nicki contacts*

Aug- Aha *Smiles* It ain't even nun like dat. *Grabs his phone* We ain't even togetha yet and you already lurking in my contacts. *Chuckles*

Did he just say yet.

Me- *Smiles* I gotta go. Bye girls. *Waves bye to them*

AllOfThem- Bye! *Waves bye back*

I grabbed Lo a Barbie doll and I left.

(A/ N I HAD to put Aug in here! Lol. I love him so much. ❤️ And sorry if my Nola accent is horrible. Lol I tried)

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