Part 42

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Yn Pov
This morning I got dressed in my business alter. Lo was up helping me.

Lo- You look nice mommy.

Yn- Why thank you baby.

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Yn- Don't give the nanny a hard time.

Lo- Ok. We're suppose to be going swimming.

Yn- Ok. I'm ready.

Lo- Good luck. *Smiles*

Yn- Thank You babe.

I grabbed my purse and one of my bodyguards walked downstairs with me.

Yn- Call me if anything happens. Ok?

The nanny I hired for a couple hours nodded. One of my bodyguards were staying behind with lourdes. I brought my camera with me because I like taking pictures of sights.

I got in the waiting golf cart. When we got to the beach house place I walked in. On my way in I saw some paparazzi. I just smiled.

The bodyguard opened the door for me and I walked in. I was in that place handling business for a least 5 hours.

I was hungry, sleepy, and I missed me Lo.

After I handle all the business I left. When we got to the beach house lourdes wasn't there so I was assuming they were out by the pool.

I went and changed into my swimsuit and i tiptoed out to the pool. I whisper to the nanny and told her she can leave since it was like 6 something at night. Lourdes was too busy swimming to see me come in the pool. I swim up behind her and said

Yn- Boo!

She jump a little then she notice it was me.

Lo- Mommy!

She gave me a big wet bear huge.

Yn- Hey. *Kisses her forehead* Did you miss me?

Lo- A lot. *Smiles*

I played with lourdes until it was around 11 then I told her that we had to go to bed because we have a certain to be at the Jet in the morning.

I gave her a bath and put her to bed and I showered.

Well this two week break was fun.

14 & Pregnant Season TWONơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ