Chapter 2: First Meeting

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"when I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were gonna be so important to me."

Once inside, I start looking around. This place is really huge. Everything is so well organized and looks amazing. I walk among the crowd with my friends and see different kinds of people, from friendly girls to more elitist ones to nerds, boys with their guitars, dancers rehearsing, couples and comedians. I look up to see Eric frowning but he quickly covers it up and gestures us to move forward.

"Hey, what's the matter? You look tensed" I try to find out the reason behind this frowning face.

"Those people here are so talented, have you seen how those guys were playing the guitar? I feel like a beginner compared to them" says Eric who completely seems discouraged.

"Of course not Eric, you are also as good as them, just do your best and leave the rest" I whisper to him trying to make him feel better and more confident.

"Thanks Nadia, I guess you are right. Anyway, you should go and sit with Eleanor and Alexia while I go to the backstage to rehearse a bit before the show begins." He smiles and pulls me into a warmth hug before disappearing through the crowd.

I sit next to Eleanor and Alexia waiting for the show to begin, forcing myself not to look at Niall who is sitting across us, flirting with some random girl next to him while putting his hand around her shoulder. I sigh and remove my phone from my pocket and open the novel I am currently reading "Pride and prejudice" and start reading while sitting cross-legged on my chair.

"Excuse me sister, I think your shoe is touching my butt" a male voice tells me which causes me to look up immediately at the guy sitting in front of me.

"Ohh am so sorry, actually i like sitting cross-legged, I didn't realize that my shoe was touching your... Well never mind sorry" I tell him embarrassingly. Gosh, am such a fool!  
This is so awkward!

"It's ok bro, she didn't do it intentionally" I hear another male voice tell the guy. I look to the other side only to see the most handsome face I have ever seen. His black hair were a bit messed up, but in such a nice way. He had beautiful yet intense brown eyes and a very charming smile. He was dressed completely in black which made him look so hot while his spectacles gave him an intellectual look.

Wait! He is smiling at me. Why is he smiling at me? Do I look funny? I feel my cheeks heat up.
Now he is staring at me with a dazed look.

I clear my throat and whispers "uhh hii? "

"Hi, I'm Yannish but please call me Yann. Are you here to participate in the show?" He extends his hand forward for me to shake. Oh God, his voice is deep and somehow goes well with his entire look. He looks the same age as me though.

I put my hand in his and shake it. His hand is so rough and large.

" Pretty soft hands you have here"he says, his eyes never leaving mine.

He has this look of complete awe or adoration, that same innocent one that bad boys give you before they reveal their true intentions.
How do I know that? I have watched lots of TV series.

"I'm.. I'm Nadia. Actually I am here to support a friend" I slowly find my voice back and musters the courage to talk.

"That's cool, I am also here for a friend. So Nadia, tell me more about you" he says. Now I'm even more intimidated and I have suddenly forgotten who I am. Great.

"Come on Nadia, talk to him, stop being so socially awkward!"

I look at him, smile and then says more confidently " Actually, am 19 years old, I just finished college and soon, I will be joining uni, Bachelor in Economics and finance course and what about you? "

"I'm more into things like artificial intelligence and modern technologies. For now, I am taking online classes and also helping my parents with the family business. So,can you guess my age?" he asks me with a smirk.

"What?" I have difficulties hearing him now because of all the noise around us.

"I said, Can you guess my age?" he repeats himself, louder this time and smiling at me.

"uhhh.. 19?" I say, completely unsure of myself and though he looks older.

His eyes widen a bit when he hears me and then he looks like he is in deep thoughts and remains silent for a few seconds. "Yeah that's right, you are quite good at making guesses. And yes I also love music and photography and I have two cute little puppies" he laughs and takes out his phone from his pocket and goes through his pictures. I couldn't stop myself from peeping into his phone.

"Really Nadia? Peeping into his phone? Why? To see if there is any picture of him with some girl?"

"Here they are" he shows me the picture of two cute little labrador retrievers. One was black and the other was brown. "Aww, they are so adorable. If only, I was not scared of dogs, I would have surely adopted one." I tell him.

"You can follow my Instagram account if you want." He tells me with eyes full of...hope?

"Oh I don't spend much time on social media, I always talk to my friends through phone calls and messages" I say and realize that I just lied in hope that he would asked for my number instead. Why the hell did I do that? I barely know him!

"Then just give me your phone number" he finally says and I feel so happy even though I certainly shouldn't. Eleanor notices this and giggles next to me, glaring at Yann. I give her a pleading look to stop. This looks so embarrassing. 

I quickly hand him my phone for him to put his number. He smiles at something while studying it.

"Wow, why don't you also give him your address too, after all he is only a stranger whom you barely know" 

I mentally roll my eyes at my sarcastic sub conscience.

"I see you like to read books, sorry I saw the quote on your wallpaper and assumed, besides you appear as a reader" he tells me while handling me back my phone.

I smile and look at my phone's screen.

"whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same"

One of my favorite quotes from the book Wuthering Heights. I loved this quote so much that I had set it as my wallpaper.


The show finally ends. Eric sang so well today. I am really proud of him even though I somehow feels quite guilty that most of my attention was on Yann today rather than him. Yann gets up at the same time as I do, his jacket in his hand. I notice he is a bit taller than I am. 

"I'll see you soon Nadia" He gives me a smile and walks past me with his friends following him from behind. I get his manly musky scent and exhale. 

This Yann seems like a nice guy after all right? 
Could this be the beginning of a new friendship?

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