[27] Farewell, Port Awa

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Yona stood by the edge of the ship. She let out a deep breathe and watched the stars above her.

Yona counted the things that had happened in the past days.

We found the Ryokuryuu. We saved the Port City of Awa. We defeated the Lord Kumji. Families were reunited. Everyone has returned to their homes safely.

A bittersweet smile blooms on her lips as she leaned against the wall and stared at the open skies. The skies that were her salvation to a past that may never return.

But among everything I lost my family. My home. Do I even have a place to go back to anymore

A strangled cry left her throat as she slid down to the floor. People thought of her as ignorant and that may be true. Yona knew what everyone thought of her. She can off as fragile and naive but since the night of her father's death, Yona no longers where home is.

Perhaps it's her childishness or perhaps ber stubbornness but she found it easier to hide her fears and pain from others than be pitied. She wished to be strong enough to be able to save her father. To help her sister. Most of all strong enough to save her home.

Yona was only a sixteen years old girl who was a stranger to the ways of the world. But she is trying to understand the people around her but her emotions aren't always able to be kept in check. But even Yona seems to forget something.

Even the strongest of people someday reach their breaking point.

She looked at the sky one more time as a new resolve filled her.

"I no longer have a home to return to. But did I ever have one to return to in the first place? I don't know anymore. All I know is that I have to be stronger. I have to be more brave. I want to be someone on whom everyone can depend on!"

 I want to be someone on whom everyone can depend on!"

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Hak swirled the drink in his cup and watched the contents in it move around.

His mind constantly drifting to how he had been the last person to see her. How Rue had pressed her foreh as against his. And how she had thanked him for being alive.

"Thankful for not dying." He repeated.

Hak was sitting near the docks alone, with two bottles of sake and his cup, with a pouch near him. He had not opened it yet but he knew he had to. It was the last thing that Rue left and he needed to know what it was.

Sighing and putting the cup away he grabbed the pouch and opened it.

His dark eyes widened in the moonlight as his mouth let out a gasp.

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