[1] Yona and Rue

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Her purple hair, that almost looked black, fluttered in the cold mountain wind as she pressed her cloak closer. Her dull, yellow eyes glared at the group of bandits, who were unaware of her presence. Contrary to what others might believe, she was not a bandit or ruffian. In fact, she was the first princess and the original heir to the throne, Rue. Her eyes distant and cold, as if there were an abyss of darkness behind them.

She looked at the sky. It was the break of dawn, which means that it was a new day. Her mind wandered to when she used to be surrounded with warmth. Or when she was still considered a person.

Back then, I never knew how cold it was in the outside world.

She thought, as her mind reminded her of a time long forgotten. She drew her arrow and released them, causing them to embed themselves into the bandits.

Screams entered her ears, and soon it was quiet.

She stood in the middle of the dead bodies, covered in blood. Her two swords dripping red liquid, as she watched the leader staggering in front of her. Rue could not find it within her to have pity for this man.

"Please! Please spare me!" The leader pleaded.

"Did you spare those children that you killed? Or those women whom you and your men jumped on like wolves? You deserve no mercy from me."

With that she swung her sword, causing more liquid to splatter on her cloak. She looked up, and saw the changing sky. It was breaking dawn.

God have mercy on my enemies. Cause I won't.

Rue watched the blush of dawn as she sheathed her sword. It was time to return. It was time to face the storm that had been brewing since she had left the castle. Since she had left Kuuto.


Hiryuu castle was bustling with an air of festivaties. People were in a joyous mood as it was the second princess, Yona's sixteenth birthday. Several decorations and refreshments were being set up. Being the beloved Princess of the people, Yona was held in high regards by the nobles and people.

People were excited to enter the castle, where the first King Hiryuu had once resided. This was a moment of pride for them. Hiryuu castle was said to be the place where the legend's last heroes parted. Even though their existence was long forgotten, people still remember their tales. Or so it is said.

The crowd quietens as the King comes on the high raised platform. Behind him stood Son Hak, the successor of the Wind Tribe, on the side sat the leaders of the five tribes. As King Il gives his opening speech, his mind wanders to his eldest daughter, Rue . The girl had left five years ago and still had not returned, although she did send presents for her younger sister, the second princess.

She had always been away and rarely came back. Sometimes he worried whether she was alive. For the relationship between Rue and her father was - to say terrible would be an understatement - close to her hatred towards him.

King Il was anticipating his first daughter to come today, for he knew that she would not miss Yona's sixteenth birthday for anything.


In another part of the castle, a red headed young girl was rushing in her room to get ready. Her main concern being her hair, as it was quite wild in her opinion.

Her red hair was admired by many in the Kingdom especially by her father and friends. She was - what you would call - a pampered Princess.

"Princess, we really should go, the ceremony gonna end." Said Min-Soo her attendant.

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