[13] Son Hak

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Rue groaned as her eye twitched for the millionth time today. She was aware of the presence of a certain raven haired male.

She was skeptical at first but then she just ignored it. She continued on her path to a small shop, made of wood, glass windows decorating the front.

She pushed the door open and headed towards the counter. The aged man behind the counter could not have been younger than his late 40s.

A dark beard covered his face, and pure black eyes, looked at her approaching figure. The man raised an eyebrow at her covered face, and let out a sigh.

"Sorry girlie, this is not the boutique. The boutique is across the road. Now, run along." The man gruffed out.

"Now, now. That's not a nice way to welcome your old customer is it, Shoji Ji-San?"

The man raised from his seat, and started chuckling while resting his palms on the desk. "Well, I'll be damned. It's little neon. What brings you here after so long?"

"Don't act surprised, you old man. Is it ready?" She scolded.

"It sure is. What about the man?" Shoji asked.

"He's the bodyguard, ignore him."

"So they are here huh? Nevermind that. Follow me." With that Shoji walked through a black curtain, Rue signed Hak to stay there. But who was she kidding? He still followed.

Hak woke up that morning in hopes of having a few pleasant days before the war. But as soon as he walked out of the ship, he saw Rue walking away, in a rather secretive manner. He felt curious and here he was.

They finally came to stop. The place was indeed the working place of the weapons store. There were different swords, knifes, arrows, bows, daggers and what not. But what really drew his interest was when the so called, 'Shoji' drew out a black box.

He felt anxious seeing the smile on Rue's lips. Shoji opened the box, and gave a sheathed dagger to Rue, who took it in her hands, inspecting it's details.

The sheathe of the dagger was black with golden designs. As Rue opened the dagger, her smile widened. She put a finger to the tip of the dagger, at the very touch it trickled with blood.

"Like it?" Shoji asked with a smirk.

"Like it? I love it. You really outdid yourself." Hak knew he wasn't being delusional, but he could swear that he saw Rue's eyes flash red for a second, before it was again yellow.


Rue says her farewell to the old man, and hides the weapon in her clothing. She looks at Hak and smirks.

"Still gonna follow me?"

He gulped nervously, nodding at the same time. Hak wouldn't admit it, but he was also curious about Rue. Even Yona knew that Rue was the same girl whom he and the others grew up with.

No, that girl was much sweeter and less of a, er, murderer? So, when they stopped infront of a very torn down, and strange looking building he was-not much- surprised.

"Hak." Rue's voice stern.

"Whatever you hear here, keep it to yourself."

He nodded and following her into the building. Rue sighed in exhaustion and called out, "Hey, I'm here."

Footsteps. Faint but it was there.

"Rue, darling. So glad to meet you after so months." A dark and sinister voice rang out.

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