CH 2 - YEAR 1973

17 2 0

Sanko Works. Co

"Good morning , sir." Mohan Rao said to his boss, Beck.

"Good morning...!" Beck replied.

"Sir.......actually....I need money.." Mohan Rao said.

"For what purpose?" Beck asked.

"For....starting a business....." Mohan Rao said.

"Business?.....what business?." Beck asked.

"Solar business , sir" Mohan Rao replied.

"How much do you need? Money?.." Beck asked.

"Sir I need ..........20 thousand rupees." Mohan Rao said.

"20 thousand ! That is a huge amount for starting a business . You could start a business with 10 thousand , no?." Beck said.

"Sir...I have plans.., ideas...for my business at least requires 20 thousand  ." Mohan Rao said.

Beck was thinking something .

"Sir , I will surely return the amount in a year." Mohan Rao added.

"That is not a problem at all ......but I .........require nearly 2000 thousand  rupees for my son's surgery." Beck said.

"Oh! What happened to him sir?" Mohan Rao asked.

"Some psycho idiot.......picked up a fight with him...! Don't know how kids  have become this aggressive?!Should have punished that idiot who had done this to my kid!" Beck clenched his fist.

"Sir what is your son's name?" Mohan Rao asked.

"Josh.........Josh Browny Gabriel..!" Beck said.

Mohan Rao was startled. His eyes were wide opened. He adjusted his spectacles .

"You can call him Gabriel.." Beck added.

Mohan Rao was just glaring at Beck in shock. He removed his spectacles and with his forearm , mopped away the sweat from his forehead.

"What happened?!" Beck asked.

"N....Not....Nothing sir...!" Mohan Rao stuttered.

"Okay fine then. I will see...if I have the amount you need, with no other work, then surely , I will inform you. Most probably by the next month, you can get the amount." Beck said.

"Okay.....sir!" Mohan Rao said and ran away from the cabin immediately.

After a month

Sanko works . Co

"Mr. Mohan Rao. This is your salary and the amount you need. For now, I only have 15000 rupees and the remaining , I will give you by the coming month because the sales,  here , are very less and also spent money on Gabriel's surgery . advice is that, take some finest  workers from our factory so that your business work progresses in less amount, initially." Beck said.

"Thank you sir! This means a lot to me." Mohan Rao said.

"It's fine. A tip from my side. Do not fall in the traps of illegal and cheap metal, Okay......" Beck said.

"Okay sir...." Mohan Rao

He was actually eagerly waiting to ask about something . He started sweating, out of fear.
"Sir how is Gabriel? he fine?"

Beck took time to answer....

"Hmmm....unfortunately ...............he lost his ...................left eye vision..." Beck said mournfully.

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