Chapter 5

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Skylar's POV

I was sitting by the pool with Kian. He was on computer and I was sniffing around his phone. I noticed that he has a lot of my pictures. But why??? Is he stalking me? Does he like me??? He was cute but idk.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mia who came swinging and said:'
"Hey hey hey lovebirds!''

Kian:What do you want????


I just stood there with my mouth wide opened. I dropped Kian's phone and tears started streaming down my face. I pulled Mia in. A bear hug.

Sky: Thank you thank you thank you! Mia: You have to thank Connor he got us in!
I hugged Connor and whispered: "Thank you so freaking much..''
He just smiled and said:
"No problem''
Then I grabbed Mia,turned to Connor and said: '

"Sorry Franta but she's mine now''

Then I preety much dragged her to my room. I was looking through my closet and askinng for her opinion, and all off a sudden, I couldn't hear her anymore. I realised, that she fell asleep... I took her phone out of her hands and went to the pool. I grabbed a bucket and filled it with cold pool water. I came back to my room and poured the whole bucket on her head. She imidiatley woke up.


She started smiling and she hugged me so I was wet too. She picked an outfit for me. It involved black converse black jeans short and white nirvana tank top. She agreed to do my make up too. Suddenly, Connor came to the room.

Connor: Sky, I think it's time you return Mia to me.

He smiled and Mia ran to him and hugged him. She was still kinda wet so Connor was wet too. I explained everything to him and he started laughing like crazy... Then he and Mia left and I was alone. There was no doubt. I COULDNT WAIT FOR THE FREAKING CONCERT!!!

-1 week later-

Sky's POV

We were driving. I sat in a corner, next to Ricky. I was so freaking nervous.

"Don't worry you look cute.''

Ricky said. I smiled. Mia looked back from the passenger's seat and winked to me. She seemed preety pleased with her work. I smiled back and after few minutes we finally got there. We were behind the concert hall and I could saw Ashton waving and waiting. Connor got out of the car and so did we. Ashton pulled him in a bear hug.

Ash: Heeey Connor it's been soo long!!!

Connor: Hell yeah mate! So let me introduce my people! This is my girlfriend Mia...

Ashton shook Mia's hand and pulled her into bear hug.
Ashton: Congrats Connor, but I feel kinda sorry for Mia...
We just laughed. Connor introduced Kian, Ricky and then me. He said I'm the biggest fan and I just smiled. Then I saw Calum and Mikey and we introduced ourselves and started talking like we've know eachother for ages...

Then, I saw him. Luke Perfect Hemmings... My favourite member... He looked so cute... He was taking picture with a really cute fan... Then he looked at me. He started walking towards us, not taking his eyes off me. We introduced and talked for awhile. We really got along and by the time for the show we already were calling eachother by nicknames -Lukey and Sky. It was time for the show and honestly, I had a blast. After the show We went backstage. All the boys except Mikey went outside for a walk. Me and Mikey just talked and We seemed to get along really well. After that the boys came. We were hanging out when my phone buzzed. It was a text from Mia:

Sky don't freak out okay?? Well our car died as soon as we got home... We realized that we forgot you but we can't come back... Is it okay if you stay with the boys this night?

I just smiled at my phone, cause I saw what she did here.

Me: Uhmmm guys I think I'm staying with you Connor's car broke down... Can I get like a couch or something...

Mikey smiled and said: Nop you're sleeping with me I get cold at night...

Ash rolled his eyes and smiled, And so did Calum. Luke was thinking about something not so great for him, I could tell...

Luke: Or we can put our beds together so we have much more space Clifford!

He smiled and something awakened inside me.. Huh how weird...

"It's okay with me," I said and smiled.
After that we talked for a little bit. I couldn't take my eyes of Luke. I mean I dreamed about him falling in love with me but... It happened tho, but in this case I started crushing on him I think.

Suddenly, Luke's phone buzzed. He murmured that he has to go and left, not making eye contact with any of the boys.

"Don't worry, he's really strange sometimes.." Cal said and smiled.

But still, I had a bad feeling about this.



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Make sure to stick around because there's sooo much more to happen! 

K bye, ly all


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