𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒩𝒾𝓃𝑒

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He had only emerged to see what all the noise was, but if there something awry, what would he do about it that the Dragon could not...?

Now, he had found the mysterious disturbance. TWO. Two dragons...! It was almost inconceivable to see the pair of massive reptiles cramped in the expanse, sprawling cavern.

The brownish one was nowhere near as striking of a creature as his familiar violet captor, but they were even more immense. On its broad head jutted mangled, broken horns, with crooked yellow teeth to match. "O-oh..." He shuddered out, swallowing with difficulty.

How unlucky he was to have both pairs of glowing eyes burning into him! The Dragon's remained the same, like far off stars, brimming with quiet secrets, and some more obvious things. But, this newbeast...its gaze burned with blue-white ferocity, completely wild, and savage.

"...M-mercy..." Elie's lips formed the words, however no noise came out. His knees buckled, and his arms prickled in a sharp buzzing, but he did not fall down. I..." His mouth was completely dry when he stumbled back into the closest rocky wall.

A flash of purple light, from the cave's mouth, highlighted the ridges of the matte bronze scales. The prince's eyes were still glued to this animal, and his back arched against the stones. 

This had been a grave mistake.

The larger dragon cackled, its slicing blue eyes squinting over at him from the darkened corridor. "Never in a century...would I have thought, you'd stoop so low, half-breed..." He sneered, in a raspy voice. He stomped toward Elie, his scaled body appearing more clearly through the light veil of fog around them.

The ground under his bare feet shook, and Elie's heart slipped to his throat, suffocating him. He found himself looking past this terrifying beast to a more well-known one. "Dragon...?" He looked at him with pleading eyes, wanting for some response, anything really. Surely, he wouldn't just let this other monster ingest him...?


Would he...?

The familiar opal eyes were frozen over, like a rushing lake in midwinter. He said nothing turning his head away.

"...A human..." The bronze dragon cornered him, tilting his flat head to one side. "So, that thing...is your new little toy...?"He lowered his long brown snout to him, puffing a rancid breath at him through his large nostrils. "I gotta say...if you were going to break the dragon's code for a little cheap companionship... The least you could have done is find a..sturdier-looking one."

Despite himself, Elie frowned at the monster's comment, his stomach-churning. The dragon's breath...it smelt like...death.

He covered his mouth with a tight palm, an invisible force still cutting off his oxygen. The prince didn't need to ask. This brown beast had nothing but ill will for him. He leaned his head and shoulders against the wall, making himself as small as possible."Gods..." He whimpered, connecting the two in the center of his chest. For the first time in a long time he prayed. For Nova, even for Alva. Maybe they already thought him dead. The guttural snarl in the dragon's throat crept into his eardrums, meshing with the sounds of rain outside, and the lake's falls. He could feel its humid, hot breath over his whole body. Was this it...? Were these to be his memories, Nova's face came to his mind. "I'm...sorry..." He whispered.

Suddenly, a sound erupted from the monster's throat that stabbed Elie'sears. He felt his heart again, he was still alive. He clamped his hands over his ears.

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