UPDATE 6/27/20

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Sooooo... I don't know if anyone noticed, but I decided to do some rewrites. I know, I know, WHAT THE HECK?????? Well, I'm in a more negative mental state now than I was when I originally wrote this story, and for some reason certain things in this book just kept weighing on me because of that. I just kept thinking about it and how I wanted to make it different, and it got to the point where I just decided to bite the bullet and do a bunch of rewrites today. It took me about 10 hours.

 While I still do love my original direction, I think this new edit of their story is better for where I am now. I hope it is better for you guys, too. I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually terrified of posting the new scenes because I'm afraid it could ruin the story that you all originally enjoyed and gave me so much support for. But I hope it will bring you joy instead of disappointment. 

All right, well that's about it. I need to go rest my eyes after 10 hours of a screen. Ooph! Please enjoy what I hope is an improved story! 


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