Chapter 20

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I couldn't fucking believe my eyes.

"Dude... Is that... Isabelle?" Jason's mouth was hanging open. His eyes gleaming as he checked her out head to toe, and back up again.

I couldn't even react to punch that stupid look off his face.

"Damn". Thom said in disbelief, like he couldn't get how they were the same person. "She's smoking hot!"

That's it!

I swung my fist into his shoulder blade, making him drop a string of curses and bend over, effectively shutting him and the rest of my friends up.

There was a swarm of people around, but I had a full view of her. She was wearing a black dress that was perfectly made for her. A slit was open up to her right thigh revealing the soft creamy skin, making my dick pulsate at the sight. If she moved too much, you could probably see more than she would have liked to. Her hair was down and pulled to the side, like a fire cascade running down her shoulder.

A thousand images of what I dream of doing to her, went through my mind in a flash.  She can now set me on fire just by being in the same room with me.


Then she turned, and my blood drained from my body for two reasons.

First, her back was completely exposed almost to her ass, with a few strings of bright crystals hanging loose, almost scratching her tiny waist. Every inch of her skin was glowing in a pearly shine, drawing all eyes to it, making my hands itchy to touch it.

... And to beat the shit out of anyone who's eyes were there.

The second reason: someone had his fucking hand on the lower side of it.

My mind went to 'search and destroy' mode, turning everything red.

"Lucas...?" Jess asked, holding my arm, making me realize I was already moving towards the group.

As I turned a second to watch her and then back, I finally saw the whole picture. Belle and Victoria were firmly grasped by two guys who were all smiles. Two guys that looked exactly the same.

"Are those the Forest twins?!" I heard a high pitched voice asking Jess.

"No way!" She gasped. "They are!"

"Forest? As in the Everton High, Forest twins? The Coach's brother-in-laws?" Jason asked, disbelieving.

"Who are those girls?! I don't think I've ever seen them here" An outraged whine came from my side, and a snorted laugh from Thom.

"Isn't that Rossi's 'little sister'? I'll be damn" The annoying voice made me spin to face none other than Riley. "I should've persisted a little more there"

"I'm really looking for a reason to bash your skull in, Riley. Just one more word, please. Just utter one more word from that fucking shithole of a mouth, and I'll make sure no one finds your body."

He just laughed and moved away, strolling the brunette hanging from his arm.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw the guy next to Isabelle bend over and talk to her ear. Her cheeks flushed red and a smile creeped to her perfect velvet red lips.

I could hear the sound of my finger bones crack.

The guy in the grey suit offered his arm. His eyes not leaving hers for one second.

"Well... I'll be damned!" Coach's voice took me out of the murdering daze. I was jumping from my own fucking skin since she crossed that door!

"What's wrong, Coach?"

"Never thought I'd see the day Jasper was smitten by a girl. I have to take a picture for Chryst" He said laughing his ass off and snapping picture after picture of the guy smiling down like a goof at Belle.

My blood was boiling. I could barely keep myself contained at this point.

"He's so sexy..." Jess muttered.

Okey. That's it.

I went to the refreshments table. I needed a drink before I'd start ripping people's throats.

Dante was there with a small kid in a yellow dress. She looked really timid and uncomfortable, but delighted to hang from my little bro's arm.

"Wassup, Bro?" He asked as I poured the punch in a cup and downed it.

Damn, Jason... He spiked the damn thing.

"Having fun?"

"Yeah fun-fucking-tastic! Just peachy."

The little girl tugged from D's arm and whispered in his ear, then gave me a tight lipped smile and left in the restroom direction.

"Cute kid, baby Bro. take good care of her if you don't want somebody else to snatch her. Good girls don't grow on threes."

"Are you talking from experience?" D's voice was calm and full of knowledge.

Damn kid... He's smarter than me already. I'm equally proud and pissed.

"Yes, I do. So listen up, so you don't end up like me..." There were shards of glass creeping to my throat. I couldn't down them no matter how much I drank.

Was this finally it? Was this the day where she was finally snatched away from me? It wasn't Adrien, but some other guy I don't fucking know shit about. A guy who is rubbing his thumb in her rib while he holds her, exactly as she likes when she's stressed, like right now. A guy who smiles like a lottery winner by having her hanging from his arm. A guy who could probably hold her for hours, just to feel her, just to make her comfortable... A guy like me.

"Did you think a girl like Belle wouldn't find somebody who would kiss the floor she stands on? She's good all over, Bro. It was sure to happen. You can't control who acts on it like you did before. Someone is gonna like her enough to go through you and through anyone that stands in his way to get her. Someone who would love her enough to take every risk"

"No one can love her more than I do. That's just impossible."

"Maybe... But there will be someone braver, then."

I downed the last cup of punch and turned to see them. He was whispering in her ear without a care in the world. His eyes completely fixed on her even when there was Jessica and her group trying to get his attention.

He caressed the skin on her cheek really softly, with the back of his fingers. I could see this was the kind of guy who would face me head on for her. And in the end, if she chose him, there would be nothing I could do about it. I had to get my shit together and tell her before it was too late.

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