Chapter 7

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The next morning, I woke up to a text from Adrien saying his mom was making pancakes. I rubbed off the sleep in my eyes and answered reminding him that Vic was home. Snoring really loud in my ear, too.

"She can come too", was his reply. "But hurry up, before the bears come down an leave us to starve."

Ten minutes later I was dragging a very sleepy Vic through the gardens. She was wearing her t-shirt inside-out and her sleeping pants. I kinda felt bad for her, since I dressed with a dark blue blouse and some jean shorts. Both of us were wearing flipflops, so when Vic stepped on Max's shit, she ended waking up all together.

Marie was waiting for us in the kitchen with Dante rigidly seated next to her. Adrien came in from his running and kissed both his momma and me in the cheek, messing up Vic's hair as he passed.

"Oh, God... they're multiplying...", groaned a hungover Lucas standing shirtless in the kitchen door, looking over at me an Vic.

"No, my boy... They are just an illusion from all the alcohol still in your system...", Marie half joked, receiving her son's kiss as he passed by her on the way to the fridge.

"I didn't drink that much...", he denied, wincing at the headache after gulping down two tylenol.

"Son, your room smells like a destillery...", Vittorio laughed sitting in his place. "I'm glad we switched to led lamps. One spark in there and the house would blow up..."

"Case closed. Jury is adjourned, retorted his mom. Are you having breakfast?"

"No, 'your Honor'... I'm gonna go die a little in my room", he answered, kissing her forehead and dragging himself upstairs.

"He doesn't remember...?", Adrien whispered. I shook my head no.

This was standard procedure. He'd wake up the next morning, half dead, not remembering a single thing he did. Most of the times he didn't want to hear about it either. So he just went on like nothing happened and so did the rest of the world, avoiding standing on his bad side.

But I remembered all he did, alright. And that made my relationship with Lucas even more complicated, to say the least.

"Do you see this kind of thing every day? God, I wanna be you..." Vic whispered in my ear.

If I am honest, I used to have a tiny little crush on Lucas when I was a little girl. I mean... He was this gorgeous kid, too tall for his age, carrying the bad boy vibe, all serious and mysterious for other girls, but so sweet, goofy and caring to me... His eyes were hypnotic, even back then. And his smile... He could melt the snow with it. I even remember writing my name with his surname in my diary...

I left Victoria and Marie washing the dishes, chatting lively, and followed Adrien up the stairs. He wanted to show me some of the brochures he brought me from college. He knew I wanted to go to Harvard to get a management degree. My dream has always been directing a hospital. To be able to look after the people who takes care of everyone, like grandma Alice who's a nurse, the doctors, janitors, and of course, the patients. So, of course, I need to study administration.

We went through the corridor in silence. Lucas' door was ajar. He was probably fast asleep again.

Usually, he'd spend the night in my house. I'd hate Marie and Vittorio to see him getting into the house drunk as a bucket. It would tear Marie's heart. That's why they were able to take this morning lightly, because it's uncommon for him to do this things... bless their innocence.

The first two or three times I had to drag him into my house. He seemed to hate the idea of sleeping it off under the same roof as me. But the next time, he just came looking for me.

The times when he's drunk he's a completely different person. A lot less like his usual grumpy, moody teenage god version, and more like the happy go lucky kid he used to be around me. He laughs, makes jokes, and tries to hug and kiss everybody. I kinda love drunk Lucas better.

"So, these are the brochures I got you from campus. I even got you the girl's building assistant number. She said you can call her and she'll give you a tour."

"How much did this coast you...", I asked smugly, watching him scratch the back of his head in a timid manner.

"Just a few beers at her frat party next week..."

I started laughing.

"You man-whore...", I teased and he just pushed me to his bed and started hitting me with his pillow.

"I'll never do you a favor again in my life!", he menaced in between hits. I couldn't breathe anymore from so much laughing.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...", I kept saying, untill I noticed that Adrien was not hitting me anymore, and the room went silent.

I opened my eyes to find Lucas standing at the door frame, watching us with a very pissed expression.

"I'm sorry...", I started apologizing. "We didn't mean to make so much noise..."

He didn't even look at me. He just kept glaring at his brother and the brochures scattered on the floor.

"You are going to Harvard?", Lucas asked. His eyes were blazing fire. Why...?

"I don't know... I didn't get my letter yet", I answered truthfully.

"And you are happy about this, aren't you?", he pointed at Adrien. "You even went as far as to agree to a date to bring her what she needs to get into campus, don't you?", he accused taking a step into the room and effectively blocking my way out the door.

"Come on, bro... You know she's always wanted to go to Harvard. I'm just trying to make it easier for her. To take care of our Belle..."

"She's not ours...", he hissed through clenched teeth.

Vic was right at the other side, frozen solid behind Lucas, not missing a single word. I was so hurt... I don't know why, but his words stung on my skin like needles.

"You don't want Adrien to help me... Why is that a problem to you, Lucas?", I muttered, unable to repress it any longer. "What have I ever done to you, for you to hate me so much...?"

I could hear the broken voice coming out, but couldn't recognize it as mine. Lucas just came a step closer, his eyes fixed on mine. There was so much disgust and hate in them...

He watched me for a second longer and then turned and stomped back to his room, almost crashing against Vic. He thrashed his door shut, making me jump.

"What was that all about...?", Vic asked, enveloping me in a tight hug. Adrien just went after his brother, asking him to please open up and talk to him.

He was there for a little while, but when the door opened, Lucas just pushed Adrien out of his way and got down the stairs, putting his t-shirt on.

"Lucas...?", Marie's voice carried to the upper floor.

His answer was a shutting door.

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