And So She Lives!

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The young time traveller starts walking to her flat, her parents' flat where she moved in after the coma. Her poor family suffered financially trying to appease those ajhummas her cheating ex-boyfriend had extorted money out of. On top of that, Mom and Dad had to work extra jobs to pay for her hospital bills while her smart little brother had to sacrifice his college life and bright future to dedicate time and stay beside her coma self. 

Never felt so useless in my life.

As she reached the apartment complex entrance, a masculine voice called out her name.

"Ha Jin! Go Ha Jin!"

The young woman will never forget the voice of that man, her scumbag ex. With great reluctance, she turned back and lo and behold, acting as if there was no such thing as shame, the two people she despised the most in this life appeared in front of her, the ex-boyfriend along with her ex-best friend. 

Go Ha Jin knew that any sort of physical retaliation from her side could put her at a disadvantage now. The apartment building entrance on the main road does not give her immunity against those two who can twist the circumstance into an award-winning play. 

To these two, I am still a naive ex-girlfriend and a best friend. Unfortunately for them, having served 4 kings and survived the political abyss, dealing with these two clowns is just child's play. 

Then, with all her might, Ha Jin plastered a smile on her face that clearly meant go away. 

They must have understood the message because the scumbag duo just stopped and looked at her with awkwardness. But Oh Ari, her best friend snapped out of it first and tried to placate her,

"Ha Jin-ah! I was so worried when I knew you were in a coma for a year. Why didn't you tell me you were awake? Oh, how dreadful!"

Go Ha Jin just smirked, unable to understand how she missed the idiot that her best friend was in the past, baiting herself with her flimsy excuse. Her boyfriend, Ha Jin's ex must have understood the lapse. His eyes just widened comically, in disbelief that his current girlfriend just given herself up in the first sentence. 

"Dreadful?!", Ha Jin gasped sarcastically. "Why should a coma patient tell you that they are awake? Wait! Aren't you my best friend? Why would you not know when I woke up? I mean, we were even roommates a year ago. I wonder, what changed?"

Oh Ari stuttered, having finally gotten through her thick head that she slipped. 

Chang Dae Hyun, her ex, cleared his throat to get my attention, but she was stubborn like hell. Her face still adorned the freaky smile while her eyes stared holes in her best friend's head. 

Ari felt shivers creeping up her spine. She folded herself smaller and tried to hide behind her boyfriend's back. Dae Hyun, having enough of his ex-girlfriend's scare tactics, turned to Ha Jin and stated,

"Stop trying to scare her. Ari cannot handle your roughness."

Ha Jin's smile curled even wider, if possible and turned her gaze to him. And now, even Dae Hyun was scared. 

The truth is, while she was scaring them, Ha Jin slowly crawled her hands to her back pocket and opened her phone recorder. Years of walking in eggshells taught her to trust her instincts to survive and now, her instincts say that the idiot best friend and cheating boyfriend is going to spill the beans in the midst of their cockiness. 

Well, her gamble paid off, because the duo slowly was falling into her trap. She is going to extort the money out of them!

"Oh! So you mean, Dae Hyun, that when I was your girlfriend, I could not handle a rough life, but when you decided to get rid of me for Ari, I could handle everything. Is that it?"

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