Go Ha Jin's Promise

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"I will protect you, brother."

That was the promise she made to her brother. And Ha Jin is going to fulfil it till the end. And it all starts with putting her ex and best friend on trial, getting the money back and getting her brother back to college.

That was the plan.

And Ha Jin took the first step to be at the top. She opened up to her family about the voice recording of her ex and best friend confessing their crimes. After convincing them that the only way to get back to their feet is to sue them, Ha Jin contacted her uncle who is a lawyer.

Safe to say, he agreed and a month later, it became a social media breaking news that sparked the debate on how the laws do not protect the innocents against such scammers.

Two months after that with a public-backed court battle, the duo was sentenced to prison just as Ha Jin had hinted to them and a 15 million won settlement as reparation to Ha Jin and her family.

The money was more than enough to get her brother to college and pay some debts to stop her parents from working two jobs. There was some amount left which her family offered to her uncle who graciously declined stating that it was his duty to his loved ones.

So, Ha Jin kept that money to start a business, for which the plan was shared with her family who gave her unrelenting support. Soon after, the young time traveller resigned from her job and started building her own cosmetic line, Royalty of Goryeo or for short, RG.

All her effort and time were spent on it, and sometimes, she would come home late. There were a few instances where a prospective investor would ask her for a drink which would lead to some molestation that Ha Jin never hesitated to give back 1000 times. But as always, her family supported her through all this 100%.

This reminded her of her faults with Wang So. If she had stayed beside him as he became King, would she have had to live in regret? Would his life be filled with loneliness?

As years went by and her brand grew, Ha Jin earned herself a reputation as a cutthroat businesswoman with a heart as cold as Mount Tai. The Young time traveller got her family settled and put her design and management graduate brother in charge of RG's marketing department, which she is proud to say, he is flourishing in and the company as well.

With an ever-growing business that soon turned into a conglomerate, Ha Jin soon turned her gaze towards acquiring other cosmetic lines. Once, those ambitions came to fruition, she forayed into museums, resorts and the hospitality industry, all revolving around the theme of Goryeo.

At the age of 40, Ha Jin was no longer a young woman, but a conqueror, a Moghul in business. A rightful queen that protects her own and destroys all those who dare to touch her family. There were a few assassination attempts on her, but one on her brother's newborn child, just to bring down her business empire, was the last straw.

After investigating privately and figuring out the culprit, Ha Jin ordered a secret purge to destroy her rival conglomerate and swallow them whole. There was some bloodshed which led to the rumour that the queen had connections to the mafia.

Her public business war led to outrage among those in power, both in the political and financial circles. However, under her orders, those stakeholders with connections to her exposed the underhanded dealings of those who conspired to hurt her family.

Those who opposed her, yet were not part of the crime against her loved ones were left alone. It served as a great example of her benevolence. From there, she forrayed into the world of politics. But the business Moghul made sure to just dip her feet into it and not submerge.

Politics will chain you like a dog, she remembered King Taejo's words. So she decided that she would not be the dog nor the chain. She is going to be the one holding the chain. She will hold the power and rule over it by lording over what runs the world - Money.

Despite the power, Ha Jin made sure not to forget her purpose in life. Her promise to give her life as a sacrifice to the Gods so that she can meet Wang So in any form bestowed on her. And so, she never forgot that Hae Soo existed in her once.

Every year, on the anniversary of Gwangjong's death, the business Moghul would go to the Goryeo museum and see her beloved's portraits there. And on the first snow of every winter, Hae Soo would go to the temple and pray for her daughter's soul. It's Seoul's birthday, after all.

When she prays for her daughter, she is not Ha Jin, but Hae Soo. Ha Jin is not the mother her daughter deserves. Confessing such thoughts to the monk who looked at her in confusion, she waited for the man to make sense of her absurd story. But all he said was,

"Life tested you once and you failed. Whether you felt you failed because of guilt or you actually failed is something you need to figure out. Once that is clarified, then all paths shall be cleared and all gates shall be opened."

Ha Jin never married. She dedicated herself to her company, her family, and her brother. But she did start her own orphanage called Seoul's Home, named after her daughter. But to others, it felt like she was paying homage to the city. She let them think whatever they wished.

At the ripe age of 80, Go Ha Jin passed away. The iron lady, the conqueror, business Moghul, the benevolent queen and the guardian that protected her family ferociously. The empire mourned and nations grieved. But all sorts of regret from her mind washed away as beside her death bed stood her nieces and nephews, her younger brother and his wife, and their grandchildren. And it was here when she proclaimed that she was going to meet her beloved. She understood at least the monk's words. She did not fail in life. She fought to the end in Goryeo but she was not strong enough to last long. But she swore that she was strong enough now.

Her brother knew that his sister grieved for someone. He would hear his strong, invincible sister, whimper and sob in the dead of the night, while she was in her deepest sleep in their youth. A Wang So.

With a prayer up to the heavens, and sending one to this Wang So person, whom his sister will meet again in the afterlife, he prayed that the man will look after his sister.

With a gentle whisper, he bent his old knees and said,

"Noona, you fulfilled your promise. You protected me, and our family. Now rest. Go to sleep. Let that Wang So protect you now. Or I will come to the afterlife and threaten him for you."

Ha Jin gave him one last smile and she passed. He cried. This woman was his rock. Now she is no more. But, till his dying breath, he will make sure that her legacy stays alive. He made sure his grandchildren did not forget the ideals upon which Ha Jin's empire was built,

Fulfill that promise. Protect the ones you love.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The warning was given earlier. Ha Jin explored her dark self in this chapter. An OOC? Sure it was. Was it necessary? Absolutely yes. Find out how in the next chapter.

The next chapter - Wang So's life treaty.

The Prince and his QueenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant