Full Control over Hae Clan

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Of course, after her return to the Hae Manor, Hae Soo relegated all things necessary to her grandfather. Knowing that a great man like him supporting her is doing wonders for her plans in the future. And she is not ashamed to say this,

Her young reincarnated heart is drawing closer to being a good granddaughter for this man!

And in that narration, Hae Soo did not forget to report a requirement of 1,000,000 gold ingots as payment for the white pearl. Hearing this, her poor grandfather spit out the tea he was drinking, a funny sight, dare she say, was a comical one with her maid and guards snickering for it.

"Hae Soo-ah. Where am I going to get that big amount? Though we can afford it, this will make a big dent in our treasury."

"Oh, don't worry about it, grandfather. Let your filial granddaughter take care of it."

Sighing, the great general agreed to it. 

"Though, this doesn't make sense to me. Why would you pay in an auction house that is already owned by our clan?"

"Grandfather. Manager Lee Min is a good man but with multiple bad experiences, he is wary of anyone displaying dominance because of their natal clan. Me paying this amount, despite the huge amount, is proving that he can depend on me no matter of my relation to any clan. That he can be loyal to me and only me. Treat it as an insurance policy."

"Insurance Policy...?", unable to understand the word, Hae Yi Bin uttered.

"It means a back up plan or assurance of his loyalty forever." 

A small gruff laugh escaped the elder's mouth. 

"What's so funny, grandfather?"

"Nothing, my child. You just reminded me of your grandmother for a moment."

After a bunch of small talk and Han Se Ri bringing in some more snacks, he was about to bid farewell for the day when Hae Soo's sweet call of grandfather stop him in his tracks. He is still weak to that voice. 

"What is the age bar required to head a clan? If I am able to take over the position, will you give it?"

Stunned, Hae Yi Bin turned to her fully and asked,


"If I can lead the Hae clan today, what problems should I consider to encounter?"

Clearing his clogged throat and getting his thoughts in order, the great general replied,

"Your age, at first. No leader has ascended at mere 14. Then the fact that you are a girl, who in a few years will get married to another clan. Then comes your legitimacy. Despite me being your grandfather, you did not receive the formal education from this clan in matters like politics, strategy and literature because you were considered orphaned. And these reason are just few of the many. It pains me to say, but it's not possible, my dear."

Hmm... Hearing this, Hae Soo pondered. 

Being an experienced leader and head of a conglomerate who had to rise victorious from even harsher battles, this should not phase her. But as Hae Soo, if her own family members stop her ascension into power due to these these petty reasons, what can she do?

Wait! Why is she thinking about the negative stuff already?

"I am the moghul, the queen, the conqueror. I just have to do what I have always done since the beginning - root the weeds. And if age is the problem, then it can be solved by being the shadow leader behind the Hae Clan, like Grandmother was."

Happy that she found the solution, the young noble lady asked, 

"Can I become like Grandmother, then?"

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