The Prince and His Queen

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The coming months of managing the inner court with Queen Hwangbo could have been hectic for a Consort with no experience, but for Consort Kang, it was a piece of cake. It came with the territory of being the head of an entire clan and keeping up with the progress her son brought home. She beautifully displayed her might to the inner clan while assisting Queen Hwangbo.

Though she did not like the woman, especially since hearing the role this woman and her children played in her son's heartbreak in his previous lifetime, Consort Kang was adamant in maintaining a straight face while sharing duties with her. The occasional overpowering over the queen did make her happy, but the mother of Gwangjong made sure not to let it be a frequent occurrence.

It was not just her that was establishing her might in the palace. Her beloved son, Wang So was heard to be domineering in the court, overshadowing the other princes and ministers. Even the King praised his knowledge and handling of official matters upto a point where he was even appointed to assist the King and the Crown Prince in political matters. 

What made her proud was when Wang So was questioned about his efficient and effective methodologies, he directly credited his mother. Which mother would not melt into a puddle upon hearing this?

The upside of it was many clans started chumming up with the Kang clan. As Consort Kang was still the head of the clan, her palace started getting busy with tons of visitors and marriage proposals. Of course, her son was handsome with a promising future with a powerful mother. Many prominent clans did not want to lose the opportunity to cement their relationships permanently.

Even though she does not want to show the proposals to her son, Consort Kang was forced to make a show to appease the clans. And all was met with a firm no, claiming to wait so that he can meet 'the one'.

This made Wang So the most coveted bachelor of young ladies, their romantic fantasies were fulfilled in one young man irrespective of clans and politics. Forced by their willful daughters, many madams indirectly approached Consort Kang through tea parties and banquets to get consent for a mere meeting with the prince. 

Seeing her son's melancholy visage as he sits on the porch daily and gazes at the stars far away probably thinking about his beloved woman, Consort Kang's maternal heart couldn't bear it and decided to relay her son's deep-hearted wish to acknowledge only one woman in his life as his lover. And the capital could only sigh. 

Of course, this fame and glory came with a price. As days and weeks passed by, Queen Yoo got out of her seclusion. She may not have her privilege of managing the inner court returned, but that didn't stop that poisonous woman from sabotaging Wang So and her. 

Countless accusations of Consort Kang interfering in state politics cropped but it was soon buried as many consorts could be implicated when instigated for that matter alone. Wang So was accused of being unfilial to his birth mother by siding with his adopted mother. He just scoffed and said, 

"How dare I claim to be the son of a woman who tried to kill me when I was a mere toddler because of a mere rumor? How can I be filial to a woman who continuously calls me cursed?"

Well, that shut many mouths and it seemed to enrage the King enough to suppress Queen Yoo's power, later commanding the royal matriarch to transcribe Buddhist scriptures.

The maids and servants couldn't help but snicker when they would make fun of their Queen, 

Queen Yoo looks about to ascend to heaven given how many times she had to transcribe holy scriptures.


A month passed before Queen Hwangbo visited the Zhen palace with her daughter and daughter-in-law. Consort Kang remembered this Hae daughter-in-law from her son and how she was a weak shrinking violet who preferred to cower and cover her spineless attitude behind useless protocols of womanhood. 

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