School ugh

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"NO YOU CANT MAKE ME GO TO SCHOOL NO STOP LET ME GO" I yelled as eren and levi pulled me out the the house. Before it was to late I grabbed the door frame "YOULL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE NEVER" " I hate you guys" I said with an angered face while sitting in the back seat of erens car with mikasa next to him. "Calm down rei god it's school you have one more year and it's over just calm down" I started moving crazy "nooooo" "rei not again" to calm me down levi hugged me. "I still hate you" "love you to" "noooo you can't love me it's to early in the relationship" "no I love you ya Dumb brat" "assbutt" "did you just call me ya know what I don't want to know"
Time skip to hell I mean school no I meant hell I was right
"REI OH GOD I HAVENT SEEN YIU IN AGES" "Hanji hey what's up" " nothing so what's up with you and leviii". She pointed to are hands untwined together "what you ya think is going on between us" "oh don't be stubborn" "I'm not it's obvious what's going on between us". Before Hanji could talk the sound of the school bell rung along with a few groans "well bye hanji" "see ya later" me and levi walked to are next period ugh u hate science but I have it with levi so what ever. We sat their listening to the teacher talk for 45 minutes ugh then the bell rang. "good bye I'll see you tomorrow and remember it's on odd day so go to your third period" yes art class I have levi and I sit next to him" "what" "what oh nothing I was thinking out loud sorry levi" "what ever brat" "why do you keep calling me that" "I call a lot of people brat" "sure you do" "whatever" "whatever" I said mocking levi. "What was that" "nothing".
Time skip cause I'm to lazy
"OMG WE NEED TO GO TO THIS COOL KNEW COFFEE SHOP DOWN THE STREET" "Hanji your screaming again" "oh ya sorry". Me, levi, eren, mikasa, armin, christa, and Hanji are all going to the coffee shop Hanji was talking about. (In this story armin and christa are dating it's my otp so ya) "so armin what did you do for the holiday" "oh me and my family along with christa went to my this resort my parents own" "that's cool". The whole day went on like this till levi drove me and eren home. "Bye levi I'll see you tomorrow" "bye rei and eren see ya"

A/N: hey guys I just want to say thank you for supporting my story and reading it, it means a lot that's to all my reads I love all of *hug* bye INSANITY OUT

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