The Tunnel of Light and Dark

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Alan was able to keep working throughout the day, managing to hold his thoughts back well into the next. He couldn't help but notice Legosi spacing out for some reason, the wolf going stiff and gazing in some random direction until someone snaps him back to reality. The human wasn't sure what to make of it but focused on helping Haru with the decorations.

    She seemed worried about him, giving him a few glances every now and then. He just gave a smile and kept going, not wanting to make things worse for her. No one can know about what his father did, and it was only chance that Legosi was there with him when he met Gouhin. He had to admit, he found himself more in tune with the wolf since that night.

    It may only be because of how they met and some events prior to going into the city, but Alan felt like he could trust Legosi more than others. Louis was close up there, as was Riz and Haru, but the wolf was at the top. Even before going to the city, he was enamored by him. His shy demeanor, the way he slouches all the time, there was something endearing about it. It just seemed so non-wolf like that it interested him. Well, that and maybe the wolf part of him wanting companionship with another canine.

On that front, he could honestly care less about it.

    Nightfall came soon enough, contrasted by the lit up and now-finished sculpture. Alan couldn't help marveling it for a moment, admiring how its golden glow against the twilight sky. It made him feel better about himself, at least a bit. He was starting to consider talking to his father, and with the festival approaching, it seemed to be as good a time as any. The problem was with the rift between them, and how long the human held his grudge.

    He set down a flower pot and sighed. That seemed to be the biggest issue regarding the two, given how much resentment he held. Even after his mother's death, Alan's father didn't give up on trying to reconnect with him. Even with his resistance, even with the things that were said. The old wolf seemed to just accept it all, always wearing a gentle look on his face. He could never decipher what was behind it...

"Ugh...", the human shook his head and looked around. "Looks like they're heading back."

He rolled his shoulders as he spotted a figure near the sculpture, "Haru?"

A taller, more tense figure then made its way to the rabbit, bending over her before dropping down to her level.

Alan looked closer before raising an eyebrow, "Legosi? Do they know each other?"

He hadn't considered the two being friends before, though it never crossed his mind. The two seemed civil with each other, making small talk before walking off the plaza together. He decided to follow, both out of curiosity and the need to get back anyway. This time, he made the distance longer between them, learning from his mistake in the city. They ended up in the subway, the two talking about something Alan couldn't make out because of the background noises. He didn't think much of their conversation...

That is until Haru started to walk away and Legosi grabbed her arm.

Legwolf, what the hell?!, the human thought to himself.

"Yes, we are! I just told you the truth!", Haru yelled as Legosi tried to say something. "Don't patronize me when you don't know anything about me! Let go!"

"Oh jeez...", he muttered as a crowd started to form around the two.

"Let go."

"No.", the wolf said.

"Let go!"


Conveniently, this was the moment the two noticed the crowd around them— and they seemed to have a different idea of what was going on.

"That looks bad..."

"Is he assaulting her?"

Alan had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning at the stupidity of the duo. Of all the places to have an argument, they had to do it in a subway— and in plain view of other people, who would obviously take it out of context! It became even more obvious when some metro workers started towards them, making Haru pull Legosi along the other way.

The human wanted to follow but knew he couldn't. Worst case scenario, he'd draw too much attention and they'd be caught without a chance of escaping. That didn't make him feel any less worried for them, though. He could only hope that they'd find a way out of their mess and maybe talk about whatever they were arguing about. Although...

Could Haru be..., he thought before shaking his head.

It's probably just a coincidence. Maybe the two met before Legosi nearly killed whatever rabbit he did, maybe even afterward and Haru has no idea! It would make sense, though, as the wolf seemed pretty hesitant to talk about it. Not only that, but he denied having feelings for the rabbit he attacked.

Alan, though, had his doubts.

He pondered the possibility of it the whole train ride back to the school. Would Legosi fall in love with a rabbit? It certainly felt like a strange question, given his species. He and Haru seemed friendly enough with each other, besides the argument in the metro. He even dropped down to the rabbit's level to talk to her before, so he seemed to respect her in some way.

Regardless of whether they have feelings for each other or not, it didn't have anything to do with Alan. He'd put it on the back burner for now. After all, he had his own problems to deal with...

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