Under a Giant's Gaze

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The sun beamed down on the plaza where the Meteor Festival was set to be. Alan had decided to help Haru with her set up for the event, and a few familiar faces were around as well. He could see Legosi and Kai along with some of the Drama Club students working on a dinosaur sculpture. It looked huge, towering over everyone with huge jaws open. The human couldn't help gazing at it for a moment, remembering the reality he was born into before snapping back to focus on helping.

It felt refreshing to be outside the school again, Alan realized as he continued to work. It almost felt the same as when he ventured into the city, free to explore and not be suffocated by the turmoil within. Luckily, he didn't have to think too hard on it, as Haru made sure to keep him preoccupied with helping out. For the most part, he stayed at the kiosk set up near the sculpture and moved some of the plants.

    The human felt his mind drift as he glanced around, finding everyone working hard. Is it usually like this in the summer? Is the festival meant to make them happy? It made sense, as he always felt happy back when he was in the human village. For as small as it was, it felt like a tight-knit group. They enjoyed making each other's day, even if it was only for a moment. It made him smile...almost.

What am I doing?, he thought as he set a pot down near a different kiosk, I shouldn't be thinking about this too much. If it keeps up, I'll...

"No!", he whispered to himself. "Not here. This is supposed to be an escape. Just focus on helping out and it'll be fine."

"It's alright, son..."

"W-where's my mom?! Is she okay?"

    He gripped his head as he could feel a migraine coming on. He looked around and slipped behind the kiosk, rubbing his temples and trying to calm his breathing. He can't break here, not with so many around. He growled as he could hear faint sobbing, paired with the irritating ebb of fluorescent lights. The world started to numb itself, turning into a shifting blur around the human.

"I'm sorry..."

"No...she can't!"

"Stop it...stop it.", he whispered.

"Alan? Someone's here to see you..."

"I don't want to see him!", he snapped.


The world shifted back into place, and the human wasn't alone.


The deer gave him a critical look, "You're more stressed than usual. I noticed you around here earlier, but didn't think much of it until I heard your muttering."

He took a breath, "I'm fine."

"You're not. I wouldn't think much of it in different circumstances, but the Meteor Festival is coming up. We can't have anyone falling behind."

"Let me guess, you're gonna send me into the city again?"

"I only did that because you got exposed around the time of the Sophomore meeting. As for now, however..."

    Louis glanced around for a moment, holding his chin in thought. Alan felt annoyance as he took the chance to will the headache away. He could at least keep himself calm around the deer, given their dynamic. He still didn't want this to happen, though. If anything, this was one of the good scenarios, since it's someone he trusts who caught him.

Alan sighed heavily, "It's my dad."


"My dad.", he said. "I...learned some things about him in the city, and I'm not sure how to feel about it."

"Are you close with him?"

"I used to be, but things changed for us both.", he put his hands in his pockets. "He did something bad and I resent him for it, I'll leave it there."

Louis seemed to accept that, "I can't say I have experience with that. I do have my own problems with my father, though."

"I heard he's a businessman. I'm guessing he's the super-busy type, right?"

"Not always, but he is firm, and has high standards."

"That explains a lot.", Alan smirked as Louis rolled his eyes.

"Going back to your own father, have you spoken to him about what you learned?"

"I've been debating it.", he shifted his gaze. "We've been distant for a few years now, even though we lived together. He did try to reconnect a few times, but I wouldn't let him get far."

The deer was silent for a moment, "Well, I wouldn't blame you for cutting him off, considering how you feel about the world. I'd guess whatever he did, it instilled you with the grudge you have now."

"Pretty much.", he sighed. "I've been trying to keep myself from thinking about him, but it's getting harder to avoid it."

"You may have to talk to him— if anything, for closure. It may be the only way you'll be able to stop thinking about what you found out."

He gave a small nod, "I've been trying to put it off. I never even called him after what happened to Tem! Even then..."

Alan trailed off, knowing he didn't need to go further. His father was the origin point of his hatred, the reason he acts the way he does. His undetermined method of changing the world, his grudge towards the complacency of hidden instincts, and the crisis of his identity. All of it was sprouted from that moment, the day he lost to reality. Even in passing, it never left him.

"I suppose trying to talk you into calling your father would be useless.", Louis said. "Still, it'll be a problem if your thoughts about him get in the way of the festival preparations."

"It won't happen again.", he moved his jacket slightly, "I'll keep it under wraps for now, and I'll see about what to do about my father later."

He turned to walk back when Louis called out, "Are you sure you can do that? It didn't seem easy for you earlier."

Alan turned with a small smile, "You're asking the guy that kept his wolf-half secret for weeks on end. If I can do that, then I'm pretty sure I can do this."

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