The Storm Approaches

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"Alan! Alan, get up!", Todd shook the human's shoulder roughly, making him open his eyes drowsily.

"Did I sleep in?", he asked as he wiped his eyes.

"Yeah, but something's going on. Everyone's running outside for some reason."

He stretched with a yawn, "Well we might as well see what's going on."


"Tem is...dead?"

"Is this really happening?!", Todd's body shook. "Please tell me this is a nightmare..."

    When the two got outside, they followed the crowd to one of the campus buildings, where the police were. It didn't take long for them to hear the news: the alpaca, Tem, was killed. What's worse is that they think the culprit was a carnivore. Alan was silent, trying to process the fact that the student he met just yesterday was gone now.

Todd began to breathe heavily, "Oh god, oh god..."

    Alan glanced at his friend worriedly, knowing about the reputation his particular species has. Even if he only met Tem yesterday, he would've loved to make friends with him. It would've given him an opportunity to learn more about the school culture. He doubted that most of the students knew Tem personally, but he knew the news would affect them regardless. For Todd, he imagined, this must be a warning. If something happens to him...

The human grabbed the goat's arm and led him to the side of the dorm building, grasping his shoulders as his breaths grew labored.

"Todd, look at me. Come on.", he said gently. The goat shakily gazed at him.

"Just breathe, okay? Deep breaths...", he took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, watching his friend do the same.

"Feel better?"

"A little...", came the quiet reply. "Did you know him?"

"Barely. I met him yesterday before we went to the basement. He seemed so nice...", he frowned.

"Alan, if what they're saying is true, then..."

"Yeah...", they both fell silent at that, the air becoming tense and uneasy. Despite not showing it, they were both panicking inside. Among these grounds was a killer, donning the mask of a student.

"I...need to take a walk.", the human said quietly. "Can you get to the dorm on your own?"

"Yeah, it's not too far."

Alan needed the space, despite his worry for Todd. He could never imagine something like this happening in his high school years— and certainly not within the first few days of him enrolling. Before he knew it, he was in the same hall he had met Tem in. He felt a pain in his chest as he realized he may have been the only human the alpaca ever met. He stopped at a window, touching the edge and looking at the students below.

"What am I doing here?", he asked himself before sighing. "What do I do now?"

"Keep living.", a smooth voice whispered, making Alan jump. He looked around before finding a figure leaning against the window beside him, a long tail idly swishing.

"I know it sounds impossible, but it's the only thing all of us can do.", the figure continued. "It's not uncommon, y'know."

"But in a school?! You can't just be so...", he faltered for a second. "Black and white about it."

"I know.", the figure regarded him, eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, ears twitching slightly. He walked towards him slowly, making the human take a step back. He stopped within arm's reach.

"Usually I don't do this for high schoolers, but I guess you've got some special attention.", he pulled out a black card.

Alan looked at it confused, "What's that?"

"I would say it's a unique opportunity, but given the current circumstances, I'm not so sure."

He handed the card to him before starting down the hall, "It's up to you if you want to accept it or not. The timing of this is very unfortunate."

    Alan watched the figure disappear down the hall before looking at the card. It didn't look notable in any way, just a plain black folded card. When he opened it, however, he felt a number of emotions as he read the gold-colored words inside. Shutting it and putting it in his jacket, he hurried back to the dorm.


"They want you in the Drama Club?!", Todd said in shock.

"Apparently so.", Alan eyed the card warily. "I don't think they expected it to get to me with this going on, though."

"I don't think anyone expected something to happen here."

    They sat in silence once more, mulling over the situation. Classes were cancelled for today, and students were instructed to stay in their dorms. First a student dies, and now Alan is invited to join the club said student was apart of! The human didn't know what to think now.

"What should I do?", he asked out loud.

"I don't think you should join right away.", Todd said. "They're probably trying to make a work around for the play they're putting on."

"You mean the student welcome thing?"

He nodded, "Apparently, they do it every year for the first-year students. I think it's a sort-of tradition, so to speak."

"Well, it must be hardest for them. Tem was in their club, after all."

"Yeah, but Louis' the leader of the club, so he might be able to move everyone past it pretty quick."

A thud made the goat jump, looking at Alan with his fist against the wall and a scowl on his face.

"I don't like the idea of them moving on as if it were nothing.", he sighed. "But I also don't like the prospect of having it loom over us."

"Yeah, but...", Todd paused. "That's kind of how the outside world works-"

"Not here!", he snapped. "This place is supposed to be different, right? We're supposed to trust and support one another, carnivore or herbivore! Now things might just get worse..."

"Well...I still believe we can do that.", Todd said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "At least, with you here."

    The two managed to share a smile, despite what's going on. No doubt tensions would begin to rise around school, but they wouldn't let it affect them. They'd be careful, of course, but blindly lashing out wouldn't be good for either of them. Alan did still wonder what Tem thought of him. Based on their first and only interaction, he seemed friendly towards him.

As he slept through the night, he wondered what kind of friend the alpaca would've been.

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