Need to talk

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It didn't take long fo me to feel him pressed up against me. Through the skin type leggings I could feel everything.

"I missed you shordy." he whispered in my ear causing chills to go down my back

I nodded and when I looked straight Antonio's eyes were burning a hole into Diablos head. His face a hard mug as he watched Diablo wrap his arms around my waist. Earning an Aww, y'all are so cute from Qámari and a death stare from Antonio.

"Yea , y'all are sooo adorable." Antonio said cold as day

His eyes skipped to me and I couldn't read his expression but it sure as hell wasn't impressed.

It wasn't unusual behavior from Antonio tho. His atmosphere completely changed now when Diablo came around me, jealous maybe? I couldn't tell you.

"After last night I'm surprised she's walking up right." Diablo said

How could he say that?

Antonio's leg began shaking as if he's having a seizure. His nose flared and his mouth twitched. The guys eyes widened and they all looked at Diablo and then back at Antonio then at each other.
Am I missing something?
But they all just ended up nervously laughing along with the girls.

Me though? I couldn't. I looked down seeing his hands around me and the flashbacks came flooding back. "What's my name." he smacked my face and I let the tears roll down my chin. "Oh you like dat, huh." he choked me while he refusily entered in and out.

I shut my eyes so they don't get watery and I pushed myself out of Diablos grip almost tripping over something but regaining my balance and walking further.


I just kept walking. And walking. And walking.
Till I finally made it to the library.
I walk all the way to the back and it's pretty dark and isolated.
I set all my shit down and take a seat on the couch which probably has fleas but I take my chances.

You're allowed to be in the library and no one EVER goes here so.
Probably cause none of these mfs can read or have ever read a book in they lifetime.
I grab my phone and see a few text messages from my best friend and ignore them as I look at the time. 8:58.
The first period bell should ring in a few moments. Damn. Fucking. Hell. I roll my eyes and set my phone back down, i'll answer her later. But as for now imma plan out my day. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th imma avoid Diablo. How though? I tap my fingers on the desk a few moments beside a thought pops in my head.

Just don't go to class, skip.

I mean I got my snacks sour gummy worms, hot cheetos, arizone tea, and the blueberry muffin that Lauryn had made. This whole week we not even doin work in our classes cus testing fo the freshman. Looks like I found my solution.

I grab my headphones and I Remember by Quando Rondo begins to play. I bop my head as he sings and go to my messages.

Imani my bitch💞🔫- good morning babyyy.
Imani my bitch💞🔫- hey,
Me- hi
Imani my bitch💞🔫- whaaa ya doinnn
Me- listening to music wbu
Imani my bitch💞🔫- i'm skippin wit izzy😍
Me- sounds fun
Imani my bitch💞🔫- sum up? you seem off.
Me- sorry, i'm just tired,,,,, ain get much sleep
Imani my bitch💞🔫- oh okayyyy🥺 well i'll ft you when schools out.
Imani my bitch💞🔫- Ily babes.
Me- Ilyt

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