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First day, Palm Heights High School, 15 years old


None of the kids surrounding me know me. Well, okay. I only remember Bella from elementary school. Since I went to a different middle school. Everyone looked different, and I bet they wouldn't recognize me.

I have dropped forty-five pounds since elementary school. Anorexia has hit me hard like a tidal wave hitting a house and taking it with it, not caring what's inside of it.

Boys are looking buff and some girls are looking like they just rolled out of bed or like supermodels. There is no in between.

Except Bella. Bella looks amazing. Not amazing. Actually, she looks phenomenal. Gorgeous.Stunning...

I look down at my body. I'm fat and worthless. But I can't leave my sister, with only my dad. Since my mother had died when I was eleven in grade five. She had a tumor in her brain. But let's not talk about that.

I know my mother would not like it if I joined her to early and left my eleven-year-old sister at home with my father. She needs care. She needs love. She won't get any of it without me. She's keeping me alive.

Her name is Ann, Ann Dione Kaley.

Dione was my mothers name.

I finally looked up at the people and saw Bella walking over to me with a huge welcoming smile.

What is she doing?


A/N: the song above symbolizes how Brian pretty much vows that he will keep Ann save forever.

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