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Stars, Smiles, and Last Looks.

I take one last look at Brian. His eyes shine like stars and his smile soft. He gives me one last hug for the night. His arms wrapping around my neck and holding me securely against his chest and kisses the top of my head very gentle.

I stand up. "Bye Brianbear." I say, with a shy smile. I turn around and start to walk to my house. I kick around sand and a couple of tiny broken pieces of seashell. I see my mom from the front porch. It looks like she's looking for someone and has a very serious type look on her face. It looks like she's trying to hold back some tears. I know my parents have been having a couple of arguments but they always told me: "We'll work it out, I promise." I start to run towards the house.

"Mommy-S, what's wrong?"

"Daughter-B, come sit down at the table. We have some news." She tells me and starts to walk through the doors. I walk in behind her and sit at the table across from my parents.

"As you know we've been having a lot of arguments lately..." My dad tells me, his voice getting quieter. He looks down.

"We are going to separate, Bella." My mom finishes the sentence for him.

I feel like walls came rushing in on me.

"How long?" I ask. My voice cracking several times in that short sentence.

"Several months, I'd say. It's for the best, Bella." My dad tells me.

"This doesn't change how much we love you." My mom says in an assuring voice.

"Where will I stay then?" I ask them.

"With me, in this house. Your dad is probably going to find a condo and we we're thinking about having you stay from Friday nights to Monday. He'll pick you up from school on Friday and bring you Monday, and I'll pick you up Monday after school." My mom tells me.

I nod. I get up and slowly walk to my bedroom, in a state of shock and disbelief, hoping that my parents are going to jump out at me and be like: "Hey! It was all a joke!" But I know that wasn't going to happen.

I suddenly regret all the times I told them to stop kissing or hugging, stop showing affection. I want all those times back now. I want to hear them say "I love you." once again. I'd give up everything to hear it.

I lie down in my bed, looking up at the ceiling, tears streaming down my face. I know this might not be temporary and my father could be back soon enough.

But the chance that they might want to divorce is still large.

I get up and look through my window, I can see the beach. I search for Brian, but he's not there anymore. He probably went home then.

I pick up my favourite book at the moment. It's called 'Willa at Heart'. It makes me cry each time; my mom read it to me the first time.

I read a chapter.

I don't feel any better.

I lie down on my bed again, I think of all the good memories we have together, the three of us.

My second birthday was one of the best. I can tell from the video my dad took of it. I don't remember much though.

On my third birthday, Dora came to visit. My mom found her apparently in the park and brought her to my party. All my friends and I were so excited.

On my fourth, I was sick, with the stomach flu, so I didn't have a birthday party. My parents stayed home that day and took care of me all day, and the next day after.

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