"He's nearing his first birthday." Imani takes Andreas by the arms and shifts him onto her lap. He murmurs a soft Mama, the only word he knows besides Dada, and snuggles into her breasts. "This is my pup, Andreas."

"Your pup? Her mother curls her lips. "You're using their words."

"Because I am one of them," Imani shoots back.

"You weren't so happy about it the first time. They've got your find changed," her father says. "You don't know what's good for you and what isn't."

"That was six years ago, yes, I've changed. I'm trying to better myself and you should too." She balls her hands into fists. "You owe me an apology. I know all about the prophecy. I know the change you feared and when it came, I wasn't happy about it either. But the truth is you did more damage in your actions than you ever prevented." Her mother's eyes burn into me. "Don't look at him, it's not about him! It's about you! Before I ever knew him, you were my parents. And you failed me. Andreas can most definitely sense the stiff tension in the air, because he wails loudly.

"I'm disappointed in you," her mother says, casting a harsh glare. "You've forgotten all you were raised to know. You heard that prophecy and you weren't frightened? You're a shame, a disgrace. You've let yourself become a werewolf bitch."

My blood runs cold and my gaze darts to Imani. She's given in. She begins to cry. And that makes my blood boil. "Get out," I say. It's an Alpha command and her mother's legs twitch. "Get out!"

"It's the truth, Imani. You are so much more than just someone's Luna. Don't put your entire life on hold for the sake of a-"

"Get out!" My hackles turn into fur. I'm already on my way into a shift, but I force myself to stand slowly. It's never a good look to lose control, even in extreme anger. "You are not welcome in this pack. You are to go back to where I put you and you're going to stay there until we receive a written apology."

"Imani, you can't let him treat us-"

"My mate's safety is my first concern." I taste blood in my mouth. My fangs have made an uninvited appearance. "It's not healthy for her to go into a heat in anguish and that's all you two are. Parasitical energy-stealers. Leave, leave!" I slam the door in their faces and pace. The crying in the room has me wanting to open that door up and tear them to pieces. It wouldn't solve anything. It wouldn't.

It might.

"Jonah, sit down." She sniffles. "It won't make me happy if you kill my parents."

I sigh. Unfortunately. Because it would make me happy.

"I hate the way they treat you."

"What if they're right? What happens to the rest of my life?"

I curse them. We Imani and I backslide after this, they'll be sorry. "There's nothing wrong with staying home if that's what you-"

"But it wasn't what I wanted. It's still not," she presses. "I always had dreams. I was in nursing school." She sniffs. "I always did want to be more than someone's mate."

"You can get your council running. We can give you purpose."

"We? You mean you. And no, you can't." She stands, holding Andreas against her hip. "I should put him down for a nap. He's so sleepy." But she says it with a flat, monotone voice. Imani kisses Andreas's cheek and carries him out of the room.

Fuck. Everything was going to, so well. But her parents, they're a couple of crazed demons. Everything they touch they ruin. The anger surges through me and I spin, taking a chunk out of the wall with my claws. I should go hunting, bring Leon with me. Anything to get my mind off of what a failure that was.


Jonah's POV

I knock on her bedroom door, a room that she started using recently again, though I've done nothing wrong. She swears it's not about me, but I know she's thinking about what her life has become. I know those thoughts can turn to...flight risks.

The door swings open and I find her dressed in pajama shorts and a t-shirt. "Are you coming to dinner?" I ask. "Your seat at the table has been open a few days."

"No, I'm feeling a bit under the weather." She smells delicious. That heat is creeping up very soon. I can see her suffering under the effects of it. We should be together.

"And last night too? And the night before? The six nights before that?"

"I'm not coming, Jonah."

"The pack needs a Luna. The country needs a Luna."

"No one expects me until after my heat."

"But we both know you're well enough to walk around for at least a week."

"Maybe tomorrow night, Jonah. My head hurts."

I sigh and head down to dinner without her. That's what she said the night before.

The next day passes with no improvement. So follow the next three days. Her scent haunts the hall. "Imani," I say-- I whine--outside her door. I can't get any work done.

She opens the door and I nearly jump her, but with a steady hand, she holds me back. "Don't you have a meeting?"

I push myself into her. "That can be rearranged."

"Aren't you finalizing your big idea today? To get the country on the world stage?"

"Yes, but I need-" She cuts me off with a fierce kiss before pushing me out of the doorway.

"There. Now go. Or you'll curse yourself later." I float through the day, barely cruising, though I can get through the meeting with some help from my Beta.

Another day, another. I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. It's here. I knock on her door but find she's not answering fast enough. "Imani," I croon, sweat beading my body. I need, I need, I need. "Open this door or I'll break it. I just want to see you. We can just talk I-"

"I know when I open it we're not going to do much talking." Her voice on the other side sounds divine.

"Anything you want." My claws make ravines in the wood. "Open it, open it please."

The gateway to heaven opens. I push forward, leaning my weight into her as she tosses her arms around my neck. We stumble back and I take fresh breath after fresh breath from her lips. I need, I need, I need.

I need to take and to give. Her eyes are a taste shade of golden-yellow.

Yellow is still my favorite color on her.

I drag us down into that place where everything is lost, but everything is clean too. Like purifying moonlight, touching my soul, touching my soul, touching her.

It's good to be back here again.

Our Fatal Failings (Twisted book two)Where stories live. Discover now