C14- Unsupportive

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3rd Person POV

"Hoying! Don't you- AHH!!"

Kirstin screamed and laughed uncontrollably as Scott tickled her, smiling widely and giggling with her. He grabbed her waist and held her up, bringing her to their shared room, her laughs and protests loud enough to echo through the hallways of their apartment.

Scott dropped her on the bed, Kirstin grunting and panting heavily, and laid atop of her. He caressed her face, staring at her glossy eyes, gleaming a light brown from the light stuck on the ceiling, and at her large smile, "I'm so glad you said yes."

"And I don't regret it a single bit," She cupped his face and leaned in for a short kiss. Scott then rolled over and laid beside her, turning his head to face her and smiling as she fixed her position. "I love you so much." Kirstin smiled at him as she ran her hand in his soft and loose blonde hair, their eyes full of passion for each other.

Scott laid on his side, mimicking her position, and tucked a strand of hair on her ear. He ran his hand to her waist, pulled her closer and sighed as he smiled once more, kissing her head and resting his chin atop of it, "I love you too, future Mrs. Hoying."


"Kirst! We're gonna be late!" Scott grabbed his fiancé's bags, struggling with the weight of them as he sped inside the airport and bumping into random strangers, almost falling over himself from the light in the room, slowly starting to decrease.

"Yeah, yeah I'm-I'm coming." Kirstin replied to him, also struggling with her backpack and with the bag that her small puppy was carried in. They rushed and ran as quickly to the doors, watching them slowly coming to a close.

Gladly, Scott ran as fast he possibly could and stopped the doors in time, sighing exhaustedly as the stewardess told him that they were the last to arrive. He gave her their flight tickets as Kirstin finally arrived by his side, panting heavily.

The stewardess led them through the tunnel, lit up by dim light bulbs and expectedly empty. After minutes of walking in a straight path, the two reached the plane and walked down the hall full of awaiting passengers, already in their seats and some still busy fixing their luggage. Scott tilted his head, bumped and almost knocked down a few people on the way to their seats.

Kirstin exhaled in relief once she settled in her seat, beside Scott. She looked through the window on her side and admired the beautiful view of the sun starting to set, placing her cheek on her right hand as she swooned and smiled. She then felt a hand gently grab her own, turning her head around and quickly realizing it was Scott.

Kirstin smiled as he held it up to his lips and kissing it. He squeezed her small hand, with the diamond ring placed on her third finger, rubbing it with his thumbs and her head falling on his shoulder, linking her arm with his.

"Do you think they're gonna be alright with this?" She asked him and looked up at the tall blonde. He looked back at her and gave a small smile, then pecking her lips and grinning, "Of course."

She smiled back at him and turned back to the sunset, watching as the plane ascended to the clouds and the sun lowering down into the waters.



Angelica yelled happily as she lunged into the arms of her daughter and lightly squeezing her arms, a large smile plastered on her face. "Mom! I missed you too." Kirstin chuckled as her mother pulled away from the large hug she had just received, her grin clearly not disappearing from her face any time soon. 

"I'm so glad you two arrived here safely," Angelica placed a hand on Scott's cheek and then leading them to the inside of Kirstin's childhood home. "So, how was the flight?" Angelica asked, helping Kirstin with her bags and setting the dog bag on the floor, zipping it open to let the small puppy out.

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