C2- Jealousy

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Kirstie POV
Finally! The first leg of tour is over! Though we only have 3 weeks to have rest, it still is enough for me.

Ben and I decided to go to Maui, Hawaii together, just the two of us.

To rest and get to know each other more.

I packed all my things and went to the airport to meet Ben.

I arrived at the airport and saw Ben, patiently waiting for me. We then entered the plane.

Hawaii, here we go!

----2 days later----

Scott POV
I sat on the couch and grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

I checked the stories and saw lots and lots of pictures of Kirstie and Ben together, alone at a beach.

I didn't know what specific beach it was but I did remember Kirstie mentioning about her wanting to go to Maui.

Then I finally saw Kirstie's story.

I saw Kirstie and Ben taking a selfie together, it was nothing to be worried about but there was still something bothering me, it was the fact that they're faces were so close, one of them could just turn around and they would already kiss!

I know I'm just Kirstie's best friend but I still feel... bad about this.

I don't know if it's being worried or even being jealous.

I scrolled more and more, and as time passed, I felt the urge to DM Kirstie and ask her what was happening.

S: Kirstin. Taylor. Maldonado. You better tell me what is happening right. NOW.

K: Wdym?

S: Is Ben your boyfriend??

K: Before I answer that question, let me tell you; even if I did date him, why would you care?

S: Wow! Look who's sassy now.. also, I would care because I am you're best friend and I also thought best friends tell everything to each other. Guess I'm not you're best friend...

K: geez, I'm sorry. And no, we aren't..

S: Apology accepted.


S: K. Bye Kirst

K: Bye Hoying!

With that, our small conversation ended.

I knew she was telling the truth, yet there was still something inside me that I haven't discovered yet.

I felt somewhat, empty.

I still kept on strolling and scrolling then I finally knew what that small pit in my heart was.

It was jealousy.

I felt jealous that Kirstie is spending time with Ben and is with him, alone at a beautiful scenery.

I also was angry that I didn't know sooner and if I did, I would've been Kirstie's boyfriend by now.

Now I know why whenever I'm around her, I get butterflies in my stomach and whenever she smiles I can also feel how my heart smiles.

I then had a bright idea...

----Skip to when Kirstie and Ben came back from Maui----

Kirstie POV
This was our last day in Maui and boy, was it beautiful there.

I also teased the fans about me and Ben dating but I swear, I do not have feelings for him.

Not even a single bit.

We finally landed in LA and when I got inside the airport, I was surprised to see Scott sitting on one of the benches.

Wonder who he's waiting for, i thought

When he saw me, he walked towards us and removed his sunglasses.

"Hey guys," he greeted us, gave a handshake to Ben and gave me a hug.

"Hi Scott, what're you doing here?" I asked him.

"Oh, I was wondering if I could take you home today." He looked down at me and then smiled. I smiled back and nodded.

We said our goodbyes and I then proceeded to walk with Scott towards his car.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked him as I put on my seat belt. "It was a surprise." He smiled. I lightly chuckled and then he started to drive to my house.

We arrived and before I got to go out of the car, he opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I blushed.

I unlocked the door and got greeted by my beloved fur babies.

Did I mention they also attacked Scott?

Yes, including Floof.

They probably missed him.

As Scott finally calmed them down, he sat on the couch and waited for me to join him.

Instead of sitting down beside him, I sat on his lap, like what I did on the Havana choreography.

He looked at me, confused. I kissed his cheek and stood up. I then walked to the kitchen and made dinner for the both of us.

As I was in the process of making our dinner, Scott suddenly came up behind me and hugged me from the back.

He was helping me mix the condiments together since I was making dipping sauce.

I was blushing real hard and looked up to Scott's face. He looked at me and we both locked eyes.

I turned my body around to face his and put my hands on his shoulders.

He also put his hands on my waist.

Our faces were an inch close and we were about to close the space between us when-

"KIRSTIN! YOU'RE HO- ohhh." Mitch screamed as he came, bursting in the door but trailed off when he saw me and Scott.

He raised his perfectly curved brow at us and asked, "What are ya'll doing?" He smirked.

I smirked back, looked at Scott, and continued what we were about to do, leaving Mitch a wide-eyed mess.


HEY BEAUTIES! Thanks for the support on my first chap! So here's another chap for yall! Ilyyyy❤❤

(Edited  2/11/19)

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