C10- Look

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3rd Person POV

Scott and Kirstie were the bestest of friends. 

They met in their freshman year of high school, when they were still 14 years old.

 The two would always hang out and have fun together.

On top of all that, Scott was a mentor to Kirstie, at some point. 

He would ask her who she liked at the moment,she would answer, he would give her a bit of advice then Kirstie and the guy would end up being together, thanks to Scott.

but there was something to their friendship that was still unclear to the both of them.

something they haven't discovered yet,

or something they have yet to discover...

Let's go back to the past few years, shall we?



"So, you're telling me that you like Avi, our bass?" Scott asked, plopping down on the couch in Kirstie's dressing room.

"Yes, i do." She replied and sat beside him, clutching a cup of coffee.

"Okay," he started and took the cup from Kirstie's hand, earning a 'hey' of disagreement from her, "but i was curious, what do you like most about him?"

"Well, i like his deep voice and- oh, his hair! and his eyes. They're so dreamy and glossy and green-" she babbled and soon got cut off by Scott.

"Right, you proved your point. I guess you'll need to gather your courage and tell him. I'm pretty sure he likes you too, I've seen the way he stares at you." He advised.

As Kirstie was about to reply, they heard a knock from the door.

The door opened to reveal Avi, wearing his sweats and a beanie, per usual.

"Hey." He said to Kirstie.

"Hi," She replied, smiling from ear to ear.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" asked Avi, glancing at Scott on the couch.

"Yeah, sure."

"Right... So, I'll let you guys talk. I'll just be outside with the others, okay?" Scott interjected and stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

Avi and Kirstie then sat down beside each other on the couch.

"Um... So, I've been thinking about this lately and I really don't know how to tell this to you.." Avi started slowly then Kirstie suddenly held his hand in hers.

"It's okay, you can tell me anything." She smiled sympathetically to him.

He took a deep and asked nervously;

"Would you like to go out with me?"


Scott, who was eavesdropping by the door, heard everything that the two had said.

He smiled to himself and proceeded to walk where the rest of his band mates were.

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