Sasuke is confused again. Why should I follow her? I've been multiple times there. He decides not to question her again and just walks beside her.

At the Hokage tower

When Sasuke and Sakura arrive there, the door to Tsunades office is enough open to see Naruto explaining something to the Fifth. As he notices the newcomers he gives a small smile and disappears with a puff of smoke. The blond woman motions them to come in.

"Alright. Naruto told me about the situation and his real self is looking for the person we definitely need to explain what's going on."

"Hokage-sama", Sasuke greets respectfully. Tsunade couldn't help but be amused and positive surprised from the alternate boy.

"My... I could get used to a friendly Sasuke."



After two knocks Narutos head pokes in the office: "Ok? Ready?" Tsunade nods and the blonde teen opens the door completely to reveal... Sasuke. Wait no... a bad copy?

"Very funny dobe. This is one of the worst imposters I've ever seen. Even you were better.", the brooding Sasuke mutters unamused.

"Yeah likewise. Why did you choose an emo kid with a bad fashion style to copy me? I'm a little offended", the Charasuke counters.

Tsunade, Naruto and Sakura are watching the encounter with great interest.

"You had your appearance now change back.", emo Sasuke deadpans. He's not amused at all.

"You'll do that but let me give you some advice for your next try ok?", Charasuke offers.

"That's enough. If no one tells me who this is I'll find out myself.", the owner of the Rinnegan retorts and activates his bloodline. The alternate Sasuke instantly stops joking and activates his. The tension in the office increases noticeably in seconds. Red and purple clashes against red.

"Okay Sasuke and Sasuke calm down. Don't fight!", Naruto jumps between them immediately. Tsunade couldn't resist a face palm at the knuckleheads behaviour. He acts like a ringmaster.

Our emo Sasuke dissipates his kekkei genkai first. "Alright. He's obviously a real Sharingan-user and not using the transformation technique. What's going on?", he asks more calmly.

"Look, here's the thing. Naruto and me have been in an alternate universe. Everything is different there. Well... not everything but a lot. Shikamaru is an idiot, Kiba likes cats while our Shikamaru likes dogs and Kiba is smart and so on. It's really confusing and it sounds unbelievable but it's true. I swear! Naruto is Menma and Menma is Naruto and my parents are heroes and so on. What I'm trying to say is, that you're both Sasuke but at the same time not. Uhm, you are but your characters are different, quite the opposite.", Sakura says in one breath without pause not even noticing her mistakes and ignoring that she spread with her explanation more confusion. Everyone is staring at her and wait what's that? Where came that tumbleweed from?

Slowly the alternate Sasuke starts to laugh. What a strange sight. His laughing gets stronger. Sasuke. Is. Laughing. Hilarious... no one is moving a muscle.

Suddenly a soft knock is heard. Out of reflex Tsunade calls the visitor in and regrets her decision instantly. Like I'm asking for more trouble...

An unexpected visitorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon