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Ok guys, that's my first published story. It's not something big, just for entertainment. I'm also no expert in the Naruto universe. I really hope you can laugh a little while reading. English is not my native language so please excuse mistakes on that part. :-)


Sasuke rubs the back of his head while he is sitting beside a dumpster in a dark sideway.

What the...? Where is the guy who attacked me?

Activating his bloodline, he couldn't sense anything out of the order. He slowly peaks out of the sideway and sees people doing their business like nothing happened.

Great, I finally lost my mind.

Walking carefully through the streets he is rather confused as why some people are staring at him like he is Death in person. At least the girls are normal since they're blushing, whispering and giggling at the sight of him. He gives a short wave with his hand and smirks lightly at them. At first it seems like they're not believing he meant them. When realisation finally hits, they're grasping their hearts and one even faints.

Ok, it's a bit exaggerated but at least I still got my flair.

While his smirk grows a little wider he rakes a hand through his hair. In the distance he sees two very familiar faces. With his hand in the air he calls to them:

"Oi, Menma and Sakura!"

The two shinobis are turning their heads to him. Their brows shot up while their eyes become the size of saucers. They're staring in absolute shock at Sasuke.

"What wrong with you guys?", he asks a little disturbed.

Naruto starts to pull at Sakuras arm while whispering dreadful: "Are we... are we in a different dimension again?"

"I don't think so but I'm not sure...", she answers in a small voice.

Sasukes left eye begins to twitch: "Hey, I am right in front of you and my hearing is absolutely fine."

"Ahem Sasuke, how am I in your world?", Naruto asks slowly and carefully.

"Are you kidding me? Since when do you have a sense of humour?", the dark haired teen replies.

"I guess this is our answer.", Sakura sighs.

"What? I don't get it?", Naruto turns to his female teammate and rubs the back of his head.

Sakura glares at Naruto and smacks his head: "You're definitely an idiot, Naruto! Menma is the opposite of you and therefore NOT funny."

Sasuke was never this confused in his life. "What's going on? Why are you so mean to Menma and who is Naruto?", he shrugs.

Sakura lowers her head with a sigh and shakes it lightly. "This is going to be very difficult.", she starts while pinching the bridge of her nose. She then turns to Naruto and whispers something Sasuke couldn't quite understand. Yep, Sasukes eye is twitching again. Naruto nods his head at Sakura, says goodbye to Sasuke and runs off. The pink haired girl turns again to the raven.

"Look, we would head right now to the Hokage tower. We'll explain you everything there. This has to seem very strange to you but I promise we'll take care of the problem."

"What problem? The reason why you're acting like you're out of your mind? Yeah, I really want to know that!", he retorts angrily.

Sakura sighs for the third time whilst this conversation and just says "Follow me" and starts to go in the right direction.

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