she | corbyn

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"He takes a boat out, imagines just sailing away and not telling his mates; He wouldn't know what to say."

The sun beamed down on Corbyn, Jonah and Zach as they lay on the lounge chairs lined up on the deck of the boat. While they were in Hawaii, the boys decided to take their opportunity to explore and run with it—naturally their first thought was to go for a ride on a yacht. Fast forward a few weeks and here they were, jumping off the side of the boat to swim in the ocean and basking in the sun surrounded by the beauty of Hawaii. Corbyn laid on his back, sunglasses over his eyes and not listening to a single word Zach and Jonah were saying. He was envisioning a life like this: taking this peaceful, seemingly perfect moment and daydreaming about a life where every day could be like that. When he imagined who he'd be spending that alternate life with the only person who came to mind was you. You were in Hawaii with the boys but you stayed back at the hotel to catch up on sleep from your flight. You and Corbyn had been best friends for years and you'd always been very close to each other. You told each other pretty much everything and did your best to share as much as your lives with one another as you could. For example, this trip to Hawaii. Corbyn insisted on flying you out to be there and spend time with them and you couldn't turn him down despite your protesting against him paying for it. One thing you didn't know, and that Corbyn didn't seem to know either was that he was in love with you. He was falling slowly and it showed in times like these. He laid in the sun imagining a whole different world where it was just you and him. Spending your days on the beach and drinking wine at sunset, taking walks along the water at night and exploring the island as far as your feet could take you. Corbyn could picture it all perfectly: the sunlight making your eyes sparkle, hearing your drunken laugh when he cracks a joke, holding you in his arms because the ocean breeze gives you goosebumps. "Corbyn. Corbyn?" Zach said, abruptly pulling Corbyn from his thoughts. "Hm? Sorry dude I won't lie, I wasn't listening." Corbyn chuckled and Zach shook his head while Jonah laughed. Zach continued talking but Corbyn just tuned right back out, thinking about you. Whether he'd like to admit it to himself or not, he was undeniably wrapped around your finger. He definitely didn't want to mention it to the boys out of fear of them either telling you or teasing him for it. Instead, Corbyn kept it all inside—only in his daydreams.

"Lives in the memory, a woman who's just in his head; And she sleeps in his bed, while he plays pretend, so pretend."

"Y/N? We're ba—" Corbyn began to say before he stopped himself, seeing you still fast asleep in his hotel bed. A soft smile formed on his lips as he put his things down and sat down at the end of the bed. He took a moment to admire how peaceful you looked, all cuddled up in the blankets and your cheek squished against the pillow. He quickly snapped himself out of it and gently shook your leg, "Y/N, hey. Wake up." You stirred and opened your eyes, letting out a loud groan before stretching your legs. Corbyn stood up to avoid getting kicked and you giggled through a yawn, "Sorry, I was exhausted. Hi!" you said tiredly but cheery, opening your arms to hug him. Corbyn scoffed with a grin, "You can't even get up to hug me?" he joked. You rolled your eyes and sat up with your arms still open, gesturing to come to you. "This is as far as I'm getting up so get your ass over here because I missed you." you said and Corbyn caved, wrapping his arms around you and basically pushing you back down. "How was the boat?" you asked as you parted and he couldn't help but smile at you. "It was good, we did some cliff jumping y'know, the usual. Drove the yacht myself actually." he said and you nodded, "Right, nothing out of the ordinary. Just a regular day." you joked back. The two of you burst into small fits of laughter and you sighed, brushing your hair from your face. "What are the plans for the rest of the night? It's like, holy shit it's already four." you said, eyes widening at the time. Corbyn came around the bed and plopped down next to you, both of you looking up at the ceiling. "The guys wanna go out to dinner at like, 7 I think? And then Jack mentioned something else but I'm pretty sure I spaced out while he was talking." Corbyn said with a light chuckle and you hummed. "You're always in super deep thought when you zone out. You can see it on your face." you pointed out and he sucked in a breath, "You got me there." You rolled onto your side and propped your head up, "What were you thinking about?" you asked out of curiosity and for a split second, every fiber in Corbyn's being wanted to say "You." but he just shrugged instead. "I don't really know, just kinda checked out for a second you know?" he said and you seemed to accept his answer, allowing him to let go of the breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Well if dinner is at 7 then it looks like I can sleep for another hour before I absolutely have to get up." you said happily and wrapped yourself back up in the covers. Corbyn turned his head and watched you close your eyes before opening one, "What are you looking at?" you asked. Corbyn's face flushed slightly and he sat up, "Nothing, I'll let you go back to sleep. I'll be down the hall in Daniel's room if you need anything." he said. You mumbled a sleepy 'okay' before letting your drowsiness come over you again. Before he walked out of the room Corbyn hung in the doorway, feeling a little creepy for watching you but also trying to process how he was feeling. He felt like he was yearning to be napping with you, to be with you but he told himself that it's just a wish. Nothing but a daydream.

"She, she lives in daydreams with me; She's the first one I see and I don't know why, I don't know who she is."

The second to last night in Hawaii, you and Corbyn got restless after midnight and decided to go for a walk along the beach. You held your shoes in your hand and felt the warmth of the sand on the bottoms of your feet. The ocean wasn't too cold, but still cold enough to make Corbyn screech a little when it touched his feet. "I don't ever wanna go home." you sighed dramatically and Corbyn groaned. "I wish you could just stay with us, live on the bus." You pouted your lip and grabbed Corbyn's hand, swinging it in between the two of you as you walked. "So do I, but I have plenty of more than fair reasons back in California that shut that dream down." you said sadly but with a soft smile, trying to keep the mood light. You squeezed Corbyn's hand as you noticed he started to zone out and his eyes diverted to you. "You okay?" you asked and he nodded rapidly. "Yeah, just thinking." "About what?" "I don't know." "Corbyn." you said, stopping in your tracks but not letting go of his hand. "What?" he chuckled, stopping with you. "Can you please tell me what's wrong? You've been spacey like, every day and whenever I ask you make it sound like you're hiding something." you said. Corbyn shook his head, "I'm not hiding anything, just daydreaming a lot I guess." he answered reluctantly. He was building up the courage to answer the next question he knew you'd ask. "What are you daydreaming about so often? This entire trip has felt like a dream." you asked and Corbyn dropped your hand, making you furrow your brows. "What?" you asked again quietly. "I've been daydreaming about you. You're in every single one of them and I cannot wrap my head around why other than the fact that you're my best friend and I love you and I want more." Corbyn said quickly, like he was ranting. Like he was saying it to himself just as much as he was saying it to you. Your jaw dropped slightly and so did his, the look of pure panic on his face gave away a lot more than he realized. "Corbyn, are you.." Just, don't. If you don't feel the same just don't say anything. Forget I said it and we can—" you cut him off by putting your hands on his jaw and pulling him in, kissing his lips. Corbyn was shocked by it but caught up quick, sliding his arms around your waist and kissing you back. You pulled away slowly, kissing his lips softly once more before pulling back completely. "Wow," he breathed, "I was not expecting that." "Neither did I, but I had to get you to shut up." you said and he opened his mouth to respond but you shushed him. "Let me talk, damnit." you said and he nodded, his lips curling up into a smile. "I was going to ask if you were serious, because I want more too. I've always pushed the idea aside and came up with reasons why it wouldn't work but right now none of those reasons seem good enough." you admitted, your cheeks heating up even though you weren't the first to admit it. Corbyn's smile got wider and you mirrored him, "Wait, so you, you know.." "Yes, I love you too." you answered. Corbyn lifted you off the ground in his arms, hugging you tightly as you laughed. When he put you down he pressed his lips to yours, tasting a hint of your favorite chapstick when he broke for air. "Doing that in real life is so much better than how I imagined it would be." he said and you hummed, letting your hand fall from his jaw to hold his again. "Do you need me to pinch you? Do you think you're dreaming?" you teased, trying to pinch his sides. Suddenly he picked you up over his shoulder and started running down the beach, making you yell and laugh wildly. Corbyn went to sleep that night next to you, holding you in his arms and feeling like he was on top of the world. You were his girl now, it wasn't just a daydream anymore.

i love corbyn besson
and this song

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