tour baby | jonah

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"Baby, please. It's not too late, I can get you and Avery tickets and—" "Jo, I'm sorry. I'm just not comfortable. It's only 3 months with breaks. We'll come and see you babe, but until then we'll be at home, insanely proud of you." You cut Jonah off as you were saying goodbye at the airport. Jonah pouted but gave in, kissing you on the lips and kissing Avery, your one year old daughter's, forehead. Jonah walked over to join the boys, waving and mouthing 'I love you guys so much'. You blew him a kiss and told Avery to wave to her father. Once they were gone, you headed home and put Avery down for her nap. You pulled out your phone and called Zack, impatiently waiting for him to pick up. "Hey, Y/N. I got your ticket and Jonah has no idea you're coming." he answered, whispering slightly. "Thank you so much, Zack. I can't wait!" you squealed. Zack chuckled, "No problem, kid. I gotta go but I'll keep you updated on the details this week!" "Okay, sweet! Talk to you soon, have a safe flight!" you said, hanging up the phone. You jumped up and down your bedroom, quietly giggling in excitement over your plan falling into place.

A few weeks ago, Jonah asked you to come on tour with him. The two of you discussed the topic for a while, eventually ending in you saying no. You hated seeing him so upset over leaving and promising you that it could work out, but in the back of your head you stuck to your 'It would be too much.' argument. Secretly you had a plan to come and join him anyways. You called Zack and asked him to book you a flight so that you'd arrive in Manchester the day of the show. By the time you'd check in to the hotel they'd be gone for soundcheck, and you could surprise him at the meet & greet. The show was a week away, so you had time to pack and keep Avery on a schedule beforehand. Zack loved the idea and decided to keep it a secret from all the boys so Jonah could never find out. You were so excited to go with your boyfriend while he lives out his dreams. It made it especially better because you two had Avery.

Avery Caroline, your beautiful little mix of the best of you and Jonah. She was such a daddy's girl and she was Jonah's princess. When he was home, their days were spent with playtime and dance parties and snuggling. The three of you made such a cute trio. You were so excited to show her more of the world, even if she wasn't able to retain it all. When she looked back on her childhood, she'd appreciate traveling the world. While Avery napped, you decided to start getting ahead of the laundry and make a packing list.

"Okay, I think I have everything. I triple checked this morning." you chuckled, strapping Avery into her car seat. "I'm sure you're good, Y/N. Now get your butt in the car!" Your best friend joked. She offered to drive you guys to the airport. Once on the road, you turned into your seat and squeezed Avery's foot, "You ready to go see Daddy?" you said sweetly, admiring her adorable smile. Your best friend dropped you off and you settled into your seat on the plane. You made sure Avery was entertained while she was awake, but she finally fell asleep and you right along with her. The plane ride was smooth and Avery did well. You walked through the airport lobby, Avery on your hip and luggage on a cart next to you. You spotted Jon, he had come to pick you up and take you straight to the hotel. You approached him and he hugged you, taking your luggage and directing you to the car. "So the boys are at soundcheck, and the show starts at 7. There's a car coming to get you at 6 from the hotel and Zack's already all set for the meet & greet." Jon explained and you smiled to yourself. "Thank you guys so much for helping me with this. I can't wait to see his face." you beamed and Jon put his hand on your shoulder. You pulled up to the hotel and settled in, getting yourself ready for the show while Avery napped. You dressed casual but cute, warm enough for the chill of Manchester. You dressed Avery in a sweater and some overalls, smoothing her thin light brown hair with your hand. You kissed her nose and she babbled, making your heart flutter. The car arrived right at 6 and took the two of you to the venue. You thanked the driver and grabbed Avery, quickly walking in the back entrance trying to not be seen. You met Zack in the hallway, him hugging you and kissing Avery's cheek. "Hi baby girl! You ready to see your dad?" he said to Avery, tickling her stomach. Zack led you to the meet & greet line so you could go around back.

You were next, but you stood behind the backdrop so no one saw you. "Next!" Zack yelled, and the boys looked at the next girl (who knew what was happening) in confusion. You swung around the backdrop to Daniel's side, "Hey, is this where I take my picture?" you asked sarcastically. Everyone gasped and Jonah's eyes went wide. "What are you doing here?" Jonah exclaimed, in disbelief that you were there. "Touring Europe, duh." you said with a fake scoff and Jonah covered his mouth in shock. "We're so happy to see you! Now, give the child to her favorite uncle." Corbyn said with his hands out, making little faces at Avery. "Pssh, I'm her favorite." Zach said. You handed Avery to Corbyn with a laugh, making your way over to your boyfriend. He hugged you tight, spinning you before putting you down to kiss you. "You're really coming with us?" he whispered, his eyes sparkling. You giggled and kissed his cheek, "Yes, we are. Avery's a tour baby." Jonah hugged you again, rocking you back and forth. "Let me see my baby girl!" Jonah said, picking her up out of Corbyn's hands. He peppered her face with kisses and smiled while you gave proper hello's to all of the boys. "Alright, meet this wonderful people! We'll see you at the show." You said with a smile, taking your daughter back. "I love you." Jonah said, kissing your forehead. You smiled and waved, "We love you too!"

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