gym time | corbyn

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You tapped your pen on the counter, watching the clock tick while time passed agonizingly slow. It was around 12:30am and you had another hour and a half left work. You worked the front desk at a gym in Los Angeles that was open 24/7. A scheduling mistake left you with the 8pm-2am shift and you were getting bored. Typically you worked evening or early morning shifts where it was a little bit busier, but now you were left spinning in your chair and doodling on a blank liability form to pass the time in the empty gym. The sound of the door opening caught your attention and you looked up to see a boy. He was blonde, maybe nineteen or twenty. He was wearing joggers and a cutoff t-shirt, holding a water bottle in one hand and his keys in the other. He approached your desk and set his stuff down on the counter. "Hi." he smiled and you sat up straight; he was really cute and it caught you off guard. "Hi," you smiled back, "are you a member?" "Oh, yeah. Here's my card." he chuckled and handed you the keychain version of a membership card for you to scan. "Here you go." you said and he nodded, "Thank you." You had seen quite a few very attractive guys on a regular basis while working at this gym, but this one seemed different. He seemed warmer and friendlier than most of the men who came to workout here. You made it a point to keep yourself busy to avoid zoning out and staring at hot guys at work, but you couldn't help yourself. The blonde boy set down his water and plugged his headphones in, picking up two weights and began doing bicep curls. He was already fit, his muscles flexing with every rep and veins trailed down both of his arms. You must've been staring for a lot longer than you thought because you weren't broken out of your daze until he finished his reps. He grabbed his water and took a sip, walking back over to your desk.

Oh shit, you thought, he definitely noticed. You heart rate quickened as he approached you wearing a facial expression you were unable to read. He leaned his forearms on the counter and took one earbud out, "I'm Corbyn." he said with a small smile. Your face flushed and you moved your chair closer to the edge of the desk, "Hi Corbyn. I'm Y/N." you said. Corbyn dropped his head and chuckled, leaving you laughing nervously. "What?" He looked up again and shook his head, "You were staring." he said. You mentally facepalmed and began to panic, "Oh, uh, I-I'm sorry. I kind of just zone out sometimes and-" "I've been to this gym hundreds of times, and I've never seen you working. I came in tonight fully prepared to workout with no one watching, but now here I am showing off for the pretty girl working the front desk." he cut you off. His statement took you by surprise. The pretty girl working the front desk, you thought, he thinks I'm pretty? Corbyn stared at you while you were lost in thought, smiling when you caught his gaze. You couldn't help but break out in a smile as well. "Well, I normally don't work night shift. I'm assuming that's when you're usually here." Corbyn clicked his tongue and nodded before taking another gulp of water. "Yeah, I don't ever have time during the day. I'm in a band so we're always busy with something, hence why I workout past 11pm." he explained. Your eyes widened and you raised an eyebrow, "A band, huh?" you said. "We're called Why Don't We. Never heard of us?" he asked and you drew in a sharp breath. "I'm afraid not." You leaned back in your chair and kicked your feet up. "Although, I might have to give you guys a listen." you said cheekily and he smiled. "Sounds good to me, Y/N. I'm going to do some pull ups, wanna watch?" he said with a wink and you rolled your eyes, watching him go back to the equipment. Maybe the night shift wasn't so bad.

A week later, you got put on night shift again. This time wasn't an accident; you asked your boss to switch you and another co-worker in hopes that you'd see Corbyn again. As per usual, the gym was empty. The only sounds filling the room was the soft hum of the air conditioner and the radio playing throughout the gym. You actually did go home that previous night and listen to some of Why Don't We's music. You liked it a lot more than you thought you would. You had to watch lyric videos to figure out who was who, and Corbyn had a really beautiful voice. As if he heard your inner thoughts, he walked into the gym. Once he saw you, his face lit up and he walked over. "Y/N, stuck with the night shift again?" he asked and you sighed dramatically. "Unfortunately." you said sarcastically and he grinned. "Card please." you said holding out the scanner and he held up the card, a bit shocked at how little attention you were paying him. Corbyn made his way over to the benches and settled himself. Every now and then, you'd look over the counter and catch him looking over at you to see if you were watching him. You thought it was cute that he wanted your attention, but you were having fun playing a little hard to get. After around twenty minutes of intentionally ignoring his glances, you came up with an idea. You turned off the radio but Corbyn didn't notice due to his headphones in his ears. You grabbed your phone and connected it to the aux, going to your music and playing I Still Do, one of your personal new favorites. You cranked the volume as high as it could go, hoping he'd hear it over his own music. By the first verse, he took his earbuds out and looked over in your direction. You shrugged and walked back to your chair. Corbyn smiled and shook his head, walking over to your desk. "You know this one? I've been kind of obsessed with it recently." you said with a smirk. Corbyn pretended to think about it, "Hmm, it sounds familiar. It's a really great dance song." he said and held his hand out to you over the counter. "I can't dance to save my life." you protested and he gave you a 'really' look. "C'mon, I know you're bored." he pleaded and you sighed, "Okay, okay." You grabbed his hand and you started dancing. He was leading and it looked like a messier, incorrect version of salsa dancing. You giggled and let him spin and dip you as he sang along to his own song. Once the song ended, you were in his arms. You looked up at him and scrunched your nose. "What?" he chuckled and you patted his chest. "You're sweaty." you said. He playfully rolled his eyes and you laughed, still letting him rest his hands on your waist. "How about you let me take you on a date when I'm not sweaty?" he asked and you smiled, "That sounds good to me."

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