angel | jack

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friendly reminder that you are all such beautiful people, inside & out. don't ever let yourself feel any differently, self love is so important. love you all.

Tonight was the VMA's and your boyfriend Jack's band, Why Don't We, was up for two awards. Jack asked you to go as his date and you were so excited. You've always wanted to attend an award show, especially all dolled up and supporting your loving boyfriend. You said yes of course, and you were getting ready for the show. You wore a fitted strapless silver dress that flowed down to your mid-thigh. The dress was paired with light pink heels to match your bracelet. You did one last check in the mirror before heading to the living room where Jack was waiting for you. He was on his phone when you walked down, the sound of your heels grabbing his attention. Jack's eyes widened and he bit his bottom lip, looking you up and down. "Baby, wow." he breathed slowly and you did a spin. He stood up from his chair and walked over to you, placing his hands on your waist. "You look stunning." he whispers before kissing you. You placed your hands on his face and kissed him back, letting your heel raise off the floor when he leaned you back. Once you pulled away, the car to the awards pulled up and the both of you head out the door. You slid into the backseat with Jack, his hand immediately resting on your thigh. He looked over and smiled at you and you held back a laugh. He cluelessly chuckled, squeezing your leg, "What is so funny?" You lifted your hand to his lips, wiping the little smudge of red lipstick off. "You had a little bit of lipstick there." Jack rolled his eyes jokingly and leaned back in his seat.

The red carpet was unbelievable. The amount of lights flashing and celebrities meeting up was incredible; not to mention the amount of your favorite celebrities you saw. You stood off to the side while the boys took group pictures, admiring them in their tuxedos along with the cameras. Jack separated from them and motioned you over, taking your hand as you stepped up next to him. Your names were called in all different directions and it began to overwhelm you. Jack noticed and led your gaze to him with his pointer finger gently under your chin. "Hey, it's okay. Just follow me." he said softly and connected his lips with yours. The two of you posed over and over in multiple directions before they moved on. You smiled at Jack and he winked, squeezing your hand as you walked together. On your way into the actual venue after the red carpet, you caught yourself gazing at all of the beautiful people around you. You began to pay closer attention to all of the gorgeous women in particular and started criticizing yourself. These women had perfect bodies, beautiful hair and makeup; an elegance that you didn't believe you had. You looked down at yourself, pulling at your dress and fixing your hair. Jack led you to the table and nudged your knee with his. "You okay?" he mouthed and you forced a small smile, nodding at him.

There were 35 minutes before the awards began and you couldn't get out of your head. You excused yourself from the table and shuffled quickly to the bathroom. Thankfully no one was in there, so you ran into a stall and leaned against the cool tile wall. You felt a tear fall down your cheek and suddenly there were more. You found yourself sobbing in the bathroom at the VMA's, questioning everything about the way you looked.

You cried to yourself for what felt like an hour, but in reality was only about 10 minutes. You heard the bathroom door open and you stood up straight, sniffling slightly. You gently wiped the tears from under your eyes when you heard Jack's voice, "Y/N? Are you in there?" You opened the stall door and stared at him, "What are you doing in here?" "Looking for you, you seemed off the whole dinner and then rushed in here. Is everything okay? Did something happen?" he questioned. You let out a shaky breath and let yourself fall into his chest, his arms immediately wrapping around you. He rubbed your back and kissed your head, whispering things like 'It's okay' and 'I'm right here, baby'. You pulled away from him and looked into his eyes, sighing. "Why are you with me, Jack?" you asked sadly. He scoffed and moved his hands to cup your cheeks. "What do you mean?" You sniffed, preparing your words. "There's so many more beautiful, funny, talented girls around you. Then there's me, but you still choose me? Why, when you can have so much better?" you said, your voice cracking every few words. Jack's sad eyes stared back at you and he shook his head. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead, looking you in the eyes again. "Y/N, I don't care. You are insanely talented, and you have passion for what you do. You make me laugh on a daily basis no matter what we're doing. You're unapologetically your goofy self at all ties, and that's one of the many things I love and admire about you. And don't you ever think you aren't beautiful. You shouldn't need to compare yourself to other girls because not everyone is beautiful on the inside too, but you are. You're everything I've ever hoped for and more. My beautiful angel, you've got me forever if you'll have me." Jack spoke and you gave him a watery smile, fighting the tears forming at his sweet words. "I don't know what I did to deserve you Jack Avery." you whispered, kissing him. He smiled at you, kissing your nose, "I could ask the same about you. Now, let's go watch some awards. Maybe I'll win one." Jack suggested cheekily. You grabbed his hand and headed back to the table. When you sat down you squeezed his arm, "You're always going to be my #1."

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