lucky charm | jonah

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"Y/N!" Esther shrieked as she ran through the parking lot to your car. You opened your arms and she hugged you tight, almost knocking you over. "I missed you." she said and let you go. You smiled and grabbed your bag out of the car. "I missed you too! Where's everyone at?" "They went to find a good place to sit. Jonah still doesn't know you're here right?" she asked and you shook your head. Last week your boyfriend, Jonah, asked you if you could come to his championship baseball game. You told him you sadly couldn't make it because of work, but you may have told him a little white lie. The arena he was playing at was two hours away, so this morning you packed yourself some snacks, got a coffee and made your way there. Jonah's family knew you were coming and thought it was sweet of you to surprise him. You followed Esther through the parking lot and flashed your tickets at the booth, walking through the stands to find the rest of his family. His mother spotted you and waved you over. She pulled you into a hug and kissed your head, "We're so glad you could make it sweetheart! Love the shirt, by the way." she beamed and you smiled. You were wearing a custom made t-shirt with the team logo on the front and Jonah's number and last name on the back. He'd gotten it for you last Christmas and you wore it every time you went to one of his games. You looked out into the field, spotting Jonah immediately amongst his teammates. Jonah was a pitcher, and a damn good one. You didn't even notice you were staring until Svea came over and sat on your lap, breaking your gaze. "There she is!" you giggled, wrapping your arms around her and letting her lean into you.

The game was intense; the opposing team was Jonah's team's biggest rival and the score was tied. The batter had struck out twice and the bases were loaded. Jonah stepped up the pitcher's mound and you could see him inhale deeply before letting it out. You bit your lip, watching intently. "C'mon, Jonah. Just one more time." You held your breath as Jonah threw the ball, the batter swinging and missing. The whole crowd roared as the opposing team huffed, switching to play the field while Jonah's team cheered and got ready to bat. Jonah looked up into the crowd with a wide smile on his face and waved, but you ducked to avoid ruining the surprise. The game was still tied and he was first to bat. He tapped his bat on the plate and set up to swing. The crowd was silent, everyone knowing that if Jonah hit this ball out of the park, they'd win the game. The pitcher wound up and threw the ball and Jonah missed it. You winced as he cursed at himself, trying to shake it off. Cheers of support and encouragement came from his teammates in the dugout. He set up again and you held onto the seat under you. "Focus, Jo." you breathed and the pitch went out. You heard the ball crack against the bat and watched it fly over the heads of the players in the outfield: he did it. Jonah ran the bases with ease as the crowd cheered for him, it was loud and energetic. You were on your feet, screaming and jumping proudly.

You and Jonah's family waited at the bottom of the stands, his team filing out of the arena excitedly. Finally, you spotted him walking through the doorway, bag slung over his shoulder and a bright grin on his face. His mom pushed you forward and once he saw you, he dropped his bag. "No way." he said, his eyes wide. He rushed towards you, picking you up in a hug and spinning you around. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, letting them slide down as he set you back on the ground. "I thought you had work?" he said frantically and you shoved his shoulder, "Did you really think I'd miss your championship game?" Jonah shook his head, smiling like crazy and pulled you in for a kiss. Jonah hugged his family and accepted their praise, still on a winner's high. All of you were going out for ice cream to celebrate Jonah's big win and he obviously chose to ride with you. He put his bag in the trunk of your car and hopped in the passenger seat, unable to stop smiling. You felt him staring as you drove, "What are you looking at?" you chuckled and he grabbed your hand. "I'm just so happy you came to see me. It was definitely because of you." he said and you raised an eyebrow at him, "What was?" "The win! You're my lucky charm." Jonah gushed and you smiled, giving his hand a light squeeze. "I love you, Jo." He leaned over the middle console and kissed your cheek, "I love you."

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