Chapter Thirteen: "Afraid of glass?"

Start from the beginning

Liv's eyes widen, processing what I said.

"We won't see each other," She mutters.

I turn and look her in the eye. "I promise we will. I'll invite you and Riley over. I promise this won't be the last time we see each other until I leave."

She smiles sadly, "Okay."

"And hey, we have all day tomorrow, too. Awards aren't until later in the day."

She nods, watching the duet before us.

The duet before ours ends, and before I know it I'm back on stage with Liv, dancing my heart out.

The whole time I was dancing I felt like I was in my safe place. Dancing makes me happy. It makes me feel free and alive.

When the dance ended, we walked off stage. I caught a glance at the Taylors, all of them clapping and cheering.

Other dancers from my team and some who weren't on my team told us we did great. Liv and I walk back to the dressing room and Riley tackles me as soon as I was in the door.

"You did great!" He says.

I laugh, "Thanks, Ri."

He releases me from his death grip and Liv and I get dressed in our group costume.

We rehearse the dance a couple of times before the lady comes back to our room, telling us it's time for group dances.

Walking backstage, Liv, Riley, and I do our pre-group dance ritual before walking on stage and starting the dance.

The dance went great. I got the same feeling I get every time I dance. Feeling free and alive.

At the end of the dance, I see the Taylors again. They were all cheering and clapping, but this time Brenda was nowhere to be found.

We all head back to the dressing room and I change back into the clothes that I wore when I came here.

Riley and Liv follow me outside and I meet up with the Taylors there.

"You did great!" Brenda says hugging me, but I could tell something was off.

"Thanks," I hug her back.

I notice Riley eyeing up Cody.

I raise one eyebrow up at him and he shrugs. I laugh, turning to face Brenda. "Do you mind if I ride back with the team to the hotel? I want to catch up with my friends."

"Of course not honey," She tells what room I'm staying in, handing me a key as well.

I bid my goodbyes to everyone, hopping on the bus and sitting down next to Riley, Liv across the aisle.

"We did fucking amazing. If we don't get first place, I'm throwing hands," Riley says.

Liv and I agree.

"What was that whole thing with Cody about?" I ask slowly, turning to face him.

"That man is hot. God clearly spent more time on him than anyone else in the world."

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