My eyes darted around cautiously. "I'm gonna be 17, I can like go on a date with a guy, right? To the movies or something?"

"Well, did someone ask you?" Mama asked.

"No." I muttered. "I was just asking."

An intrigued smile rose on my mother's face. "Then you like someone?"

"No one answered my question." I pushed.

"I gotta know him, and I gotta know his family. And if I don't like him, y'all ain't going nowhere, got it?" I quickly nodded at my father's words, looking down at my lap.

"If she wants to go on a date I could get her one. You like my friends, right Pop?"

"You're not setting up your sister Calvin." Mama chuckled.

"What about Quincy? You like him." My head instantly looked to Calvin as if he was crazy. With his stupid ass he was gonna fuck up my whole plan. "What you think Pop?"

"You like him or something?" Rashad asked, looking at me.

"He's nice." I shrugged, trying to play it cool.

"You wanna date him?"

"Will you stop." I spoke, glaring at Rashad.

"You're the one asking if you're allowed to date. You can't just ask and have no one in mind."

"Fine. Can I go out with him?" I asked, looking at my parents.

"I like him baby, he's a good kid." Mama said to Dad and my heartbeat raced in anticipation.

"At least she's asking you first Daddy." Kelly added.

"What makes you so sure he wants to go on a date with you?" Dad asked, looking at me and my face instantly fell.

"He's already done it." Calvin responded as he caught my expression. "He likes her and he wants her to be his girlfriend."

And here he goes. Fucking it all up.

"What?" Rashad, Kelly, and Mama asked shocked.

"What? Ain't no dude just gonna talk to my sister without letting me know his intentions." Calvin replied.

"Fine, when you wanna go Friday? Saturday?" Dad asked me.

"Saturday?" I suggested awkwardly. "C- Can I call and tell him?"

"Go." He spoke simply and I just got up grabbing the cordless, slipping into my room, calling Q.


"Mrs. Walker? Hi, it's Janae."

"Hey Janae how you doin'?"

"Good." I smiled. "You?"

"Good. Quincy's right here, I'll get him."

"Okay." I gnawed at my bottom lip as I waited for him to come to the phone.

"Hello? Nae?"

"You were right." I expressed. "If I just brought you to the cookout they would've kick my ass."

Q instantly let out a laugh. "How'd they take the news their baby's got a boyfriend?"

"They think their baby's gonna have her first date on Saturday. That's good enough, right?"

"Yes, that's good enough." He told me, and I could hear his smile through his tone. "So where we going?"

"You're asking me?"

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