Chapter 91: Forgive Him

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"I'm... glad," Levi muttered out, light headed and breathing rather heavily, though he successfully concealed most of it.

Levi could hear someone talking in the background after he said his words, and not long after, (Y/N) spoke again in a slightly apologetic tone.

"Levi, I have to end it here. Annie and the doctor are calling me."

"I see."

"We'll... talk later?"

Levi nodded, forgetting for a moment that (Y/N) couldn't see his actions. "Okay," he replied briskly, feeling unusually tired and dizzy.


The call ended as soon as Levi said his farewell, and the phone slipped down from his ear and landed on the counter with a thud. The raven let out a heavy breath, noticing how hot it felt as it came out.

At this point, Levi knew he wasn't feeling overly happy or embarassed or excited anymore. A tickle in his nose made him scrunch his face for a few seconds, before exploding with a number of sneezes.

"Shit," Levi cursed under his breath, a hand holding his head as he dragged his wearying body to his bedroom, before promptly falling down onto his bed and hauling his thick blanket over his curled frame.

Another fit of sneezes struck the young adult covered in the sheets of his bed, followed by a loud and annoyed groan.

Levi was sick.


Sunlight was streaming through the cracks of his closed curtain by the time Levi opened eyes. He hadn't been sleeping - the headache and stuffy nose made it near impossible for him to. He had just been keeping his eyes shut for who knows how many hours.

Levi knew he should get up, eat something and take some medicine, but unfortunately he just didn't have enough energy to do so. And so for the next hour or two, the raven merely kept his half-dead self buried in the sheets of his bed.

Levi rarely got sick, but when he did, he always managed to hide it easily.

A completely different case this time.

Multiple nights without a single wink of sleep, work, and poor eating habits finally got the better of his generally strong body endurance, leaving him in this sick, weakened state he's stuck with now.

The raven closed his eyes once more, pleading the Moon Goddess to allow him to get some much needed rest. Despite his painful headache and impaired breathing, Levi could feel himself slowly drift away into sleep as each minute passed by.

The Moon Goddess did not bless him with such luxury yet.

The obnoxious sound of the doorbell ringing twice made Levi's eyes snap open, a scowl quickly forming on his features. The person didn't stop there. Quickly following the bell was a series of loud, repetitive knocks that made Levi's burning blood boil even more.

"Levi!!" A familiar voice called out. It took less than a heartbeat for Levi to figure out who was the person punching away door- who else other than Shitty Glasses?

The raven gritted his teeth and waited for the annoying woman to just walk away. But, that wish immediately shattered when he heard the sound of the door unlocking, and remembered that he had given his long time friend a spare key to the apartment in case of any emergencies.

"LEVI!!" Hanji called - more like screamed - out, slamming the door open and barging inside.

"Where are you?!"

Levi only took a deep breath as he listened to Hanji's stomping all over his living space. "Levi? Where are you?"

He could hear her voice getting closer and closer to his bedroom, and in response, Levi turned his body to the side so that his back faced the door and yanked his blanket over his head.

My Alpha ~ Levi x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن