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Tw: swear word


Damien chuckled and hummed. "Ok ok," he said gently. The kids had been bugging him and Patton all day to explain how they met. "We'll tell you." He smiled some and sat on the couch, Patton beside him. He smiled and wrapped an arm around his husband, kissing his cheek.

Logan, the oldest at 13, was sat on the floor with Virgil, 5, the youngest, in his lap. Remus, 11, sat next to them, and Roman, 8, was on their other side.

Patton smiled. "Ok, so. We were in highschool, and we didn't get along for a bit. Ran in different groups, y'know?" He hummed a bit. "I was the art student, the one who was good and, to quote others, soft."

"I was the 'rebel', or the bad kid basically," Damien chuckled softly. "Basically, we didn't have classes together, didn't interact. Nothing to bring us together, really. I was the one who skipped class almost daily, went out for lunch, I even had a motorcycle. Didn't make me any cooler though," he hummed.

"I was the one who never missed a day, and I was basically the teacher's pet," Patton giggled softly. " senior year, both of us got put in Home Ec. I Loved it!"

Damien groaned. "That class was the worst and nothing can convince me otherwise," he mumbled. "Anyways, only good thing was that I was paired with Patton. I hated everything else about that class though." He shrugged. "I failed it. It's why I'm shit at cooking."

Patton smacked his arm. "You are not! And the class wasn't that bad, we learned to bake, and sew, and we learned how to be dads!" He smiled to the kids. "Don't listen to the old fuddy duddy. He just didn't like that it ruined his reputation. He had to uphold it," he giggled, nudging his husband gently.

The kids giggled as Damien sighed. They went on to explain what happened with them. How they became friends. How they fell in love, then moved away from one another. One big fight is all it takes to make friends fall apart.

This is their story. The one that was never asked, not until now.

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