The Worse Off

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Crash was busy preparing one of her weapons as she was looking down at the earth surprised that humans could destroy something this  beautiful on such a scale.

"Guess she couldn't put it past them not like they hadn't done it back in her world. Wars, plagues and even M.A.D across planets. It was was really getting annoying to her. Doom Slayer would enter the room and wave at her to come. He led her to the main room

Where Samuel awaits them. He opened up a map showing the entirety of the United States or what they once where as five demon pentagrama were visible across the map.

"Doom Slayer, these things have built up altars and are trying to do something on a major scale. I've no idea what it is but I'll keep searching but while I'm on that, you and Crash shall have to go and destroy them so that they don't succeed. I know that if may be a bit hard but you've dealt with worse. Go and bring forth hell onto those demons." Samuel said twitching a bit as Doom Slayer looked at him worriedly.

"Do not be afraid, Its just bugs in the system that i am trying to fix. It will be fine." He said as he opened the warp gate.

Crash frowned at Samuel. She had seen that happen in so many movies beforw stuff went to shit bur decided to let it go. Like when was the last time a cyborg AI went rabid?

She gulped knowing that this would not end well. But she needed him to kill the demons so she was hoping that they would be ready if Samuel ever decided that it was time to go insane and slaughter all of what remained of the human race.

As they moved through the wapr gate they were placed down in an area which surprisingly had green grass and a few trees around. A small house was at the center as humanoid demons were moving looking happy and peaceful.

He cracked his knuckles and loaded his wrist blade and looked to Crash who looked hesitant. He moved to rush at the closest demon as he impaled it before tossing its body to the ground causing its head splatter when his foot would land down on its head. The blood would stain the grass as the human corpses below became visible as part of the illusion faded.

Crash was mortified as the true hellosh scene of the area showed. Piles of dismembered humans would lay strewn across the area while the humanoid demons were showing just how grotesque their bodies were. She aimed her rifle and rushed in going to gun one down before having to go for a slide as one of them sent its large arm swinging for her head. She was skidding on the ground and fired several rounds into its chest before leaping into the air as she grabbed her chainsaw sinking it deep into the head of the demon. She didn't stop until it was divided in half as she stared at the other monsters covered in demon blood.

"I'm coming for you all!" She said as she broke into a sprint swinging her chainsaw at their waists, some of would manage to dodge in time but those that didn't were cut in half as she would switch to her fists and grab at their faces slamming them into the ground several times befoee snapping their necks with ease going for the last ones that remained. She grabbed a dismembered demon arm and launches into a rage smashing the arm into the skull of one demon before swerving to knock another to the ground. She grabbed the felled demon's horns and roughly pulled them off before stabbing it several times in the eye. Another demon tried to grapple onto her back as she would grab its legs before swinging its body to the ground as cracked bones would echo while the Doom Slayer would see the destruction she had dealt. He only had one word to explain what she had done. Epic.

She turned to glare at the house as Doom Slayer would call in The Betrayer who would appear looking upon the scene they had wrecked havoc on.

"My, This is quite the destruction you've done. Hopefully-

A large tendrik tried to slam into the Betrayer only smashing against his chest before sliding down. The tendril rusher back into the house as several more would emerge raising the house into the air. A large spiked mouth below it would be spinning grounding the bones of any that had gotten trapped with the area.

The Betrayet sighed as he would be walling over with the two rushing in as he swung his hammer to swing at a tendril sending it flying back before grabbing it and holding it in place as Doom Slayer leapt ontop of the tendril cutting through the fleshy tendril with his crucible before rushing into the house landing inside. Crash would follow behind jumping through the roof and smashing into the house.

"Where do you-

The house shook as it was being torn apart. Crash and Doom Slayer nodded as they would rush further into the house finding a single large buff demon sitting at the center connected with tentacles.

Crash pulled out her plasma cannon and mounted it on her shoulder as she fired several blasts at the demon. Tendrils would shoot out to take the damage before swinging for her. Doom Slayer grabbed the tendril cutting it off with his arm blade as Crash would rush past the tendrils sliding under another as her plasma cannon slammed against the demon's face blasting it as the blood splayed against the wall.

The house's movements seemed to freeze up as it would slam back down onto the ground. A large creek of wood would be heard before the Betrayer emerged from the mouth of the demon below them.

"Slayer, I'll seen the belly of the beast." He would say as he wiped the saliva from his face.
"And it was awful." He would say before holding what looked to be a burnt to a crisp demon body. "But i got lunch!"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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