The Welcome Assistance

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Doomguy was left dumbstuck as he was dragges by the collar by Crash who was humming as she had his BFG on her shoulder.

"Okay this seems good enough." Crash said as she let go of Doomguy climbing on a small hill of debris.

Doomguy tilted his head in confusion as she lined up the BFG.

"For what? Some destressing. You look reall down. And the best medication for rhat is blowing shit up until all that sadness is gone." Crash said as she fired the BFG sending a building crashing down.

"Don't worry, there isn't anyone left here." Crash said as she watched zombiemen awaken holding their rifles at the ready.

"Want to destress?" She said as he nodded rushing at the zombiemen as he leapt over their gunfire activating his shoulder cannon and unleashing a blast of flames. He landed on a zombieman's head splattering the contents on the ground as he smacked another sending it reeling as he grabbed itz arm and rippping it off as he swung the appedange sending the zombieman's head flying. Turning his sights to the other zombieman he pulled out his arm blade and slammed it into the skull of a zombieman as it jerked firing by accident as he lifted it up and smashed it down onto the bone covered ground.

He heard a screech as a Carcass was marching towards him as it ran at him holding out its cannon as it fired a blast at him. He dodged as he sent an oce blast at the carcass feeezing it solid before punching it as it shattered into parge chunky pieces.

He stretched as he heard the scream of a whiplash. He turned as one was behind him glaring at him with the demonic red eyes.

Its head burst as the blood splattered on his helmet. He blinked as he looked over to see Crash holding his plasma rifle.

She waved at him before continuing to offer support. He saw the sky blacken as an army of gargoyles were coming for them. He grinned as he grabbed his heavy cannon and fired as he shot down gargoyle after gargoyle. He launched into the air, he fired a shot from his rocket launcher blowing up several more. Another latched onto him and as it scratched at his face. He stood tall and looked down on the gargoyle which stared at its armageddon and knew it had fucked up.

Before it could think, Doomguy smashed his fist into its heart as ir sunk down into the gargoyle's chest. He shoved a  grenade down its throat and tossed it at the horde.

As it exploded he jumped again into the air grabbing another by its leg and smashing it into the earth.

"Doomguy! Watch this!" Crash said as she fired the BFG as the big ball of blessed plasma few into the horde and exploded as their remains fell to the ground falling all around Doomguy.

Doomguy gave her a thumbs up as he opened up a warp gate. As they walked through, Crash stomped on a Possessed which tried to grab them.

Samuel sighed as he saw Crash again. She jad begun getting close to Doomguy and was feeling that she would impede on his demon slaying.

At least that's what he thought.

"Doom Slayer, did you know there is a cult for you across earth? I think it would be best to investigate to make sure no crimes are being commited." Samuel said as he saw Doomguy focusing on something that Crash was saying.

"Slayer! Are you listening?" Samuel said angrily as Doomguy turned around to nod.

"Ugh, fine, I'll just recalibrate the Fortress then." Samuel said rather sounding mad.

Doomguy sighed at Samuel as Crash grabbed him by the arm.

"Come on! I want to eat something. Is there something to eat in this place?" Crash asked as Doomguy lead her through the Fortress as Samuel kept a camera on her.

As they stepped into the large kitchen, Crash opened the fridge and took out an assortment of frozen meats and carried it over to a Barbeque Set as she switched on the flames.

Doomguy tried to slow her down but she gave him a glance which indicated pain as he back away.

I'm not dealing with that. He thought as he watched the woman cook more than enought meat feed several families.

Doomguy sat down as he began dozing off until the smell of seasoned meat reached his nostrils and his stomach rumbled with extreme power.

"Wow! What the hell was that? Felt and sounded like an earthquake. You hungry little guy." Crash said as she placed a plate of T-Bone steak on the table as Doo.guy took off his helmet.

It had been a long time since he had been hungry and if was puzzling why her food was making him feel starved.

"Slayer, why are you eating?" Samuel said as a hologram of hi appear above the table.

Doomguy shrugged as he wolfed down a piece of steak.

"You don't need to eat! Your have a godly body. Such things are unnecessary." Samuel said as Crash fake snored.

"Oh come on, don't be such a stick up the ass. Just chill okay. Its not like we not just continue." Crash said as she smiled at Doomguy who stopped bit bite and shrugged.

"But you're supposed to be raging warrior of death!" Samuel shouted as Doomguy yet again shrugged.

Its not like I don't get hungry.

Doomguy finished eating up as the lights suddenly flickered.

"Oh my gods! I hate this place." Samuel said as he disappeared from sight.

Crash(Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora