A New Hunt

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Doomguy was in his armoury as he polished his rifle when the lights flickered.

He shrugged it off to Samuel as he continued before he switched to his rocket launcher.

A Prowler was behind him as it clicked and in an instant was against the wall as it's head was slowly crushed in his hands.

He smashed its head into the wall as he turned to check the hallway. Another prowler was rushing down the hallway and Doomguy quickly grabbed his crucible and cleaved the demon in two before turning to see several imps charging at him.

Doomguy growled as he charged forward slamming down the first with his fist as he kneed the second in the chest as it's ribcage caved in. Doomguy body slammed the third to the floor before stomping on its head. He turned to the two demons begind and switched to his shotgun as he blasted them away leaving their bloody remnants staining the halls.

He headed to Crash's room and checked. He ducked as a knife went flying over his head.

Crash was dressed in her armour already and had a large knife in hand.

"Oh, its just you. Demons got in. Lets kick ass shall we." Crash said as Doomguy nodded as they stepped out into the wall.

A Possessed was staggering over to them as a drone appeared from the shooting the demon in the head.

"Slayer, it seems that the warp gate had been compromised for a minor few minutes. I think there might be a new threat on the levels of thr Hell Priests back to crush earth." Samuel said as Doomguy just groaned as he began running through the halls gunning down any demons he saw.

As he entered the Control Room, he skidded to a halt as a Baron stood roaring at him. He rushed at the demon and shoulder slammed it back before going low and uppercutting it as it's head went dlying into the air. He jumped into the air and kicked the head into the warp gate as he landed and dragged the Baron's body and threw it into the warp gate.

"It seems those are all. Slayer, I fear that someone bigger may be behind this. Neither Vega or me were able to react when this occured." Samuel said as Doomguy nodded going over to the warp gate.

"I'll send wherever the origin point for the connection was. Show them hell, Slayer." Samuel said as Doomguy rushed through the gates seeing Crash slam into his back.

They were in a room with large glass Panels which were broken at some part.

"Move, why did you stop?" She asked before moving from behind him and almost threw up.

A group of humans had been cut open and sewed together to form a pentagram from their body parts. The blood leaked from every part of their bodies as a goat skull was nailed to the wall.

"What kind of sick oh I'm going to be sick." Crash said as she moved away to throw up her lunch.

Doomguy sighed but his rage almost broke out as he heard the dismembered head groan.

They didn't even kill them.

Doomguy walked over to the heads hearing their low chanting. He crushed the heads as he walked over to the wall.

Incantations where written on the walls in blood and he could easily deciper the text, after all, he had spent many years killing the writers of such a language.

I will be returning Doom Slayer and I shall break you and that little toy of yours. I shall arise anew with her as my host. Well before I've enjoyed her. Your pain shall be a melody to my ears. I shall hear her screams as she-

Doomguy smashed the wall before he finished reading. The entire bulding shook from his attack.

He looked over to Crash who had recovered and stared down the horrifc scene before her.

"Demons didn't do this, did they?" Crashed asked as Doomguy nodded before reopening the warp gate and holding Crash by the hand as they arrived back at the Fortress of Doom.

"Slayer, I saw what happened I-

Doomguy didn't listen and walked to his Library and walked over to where he had written of the Icon Of Sin. Staring down at the pages of the Icon Of Sin, he read of times where the Icon took consorts ro rule next to him. He saw that said consorts rarely lived long.

He sighed as he sat down and gripped rhe rabbit foot around his neck.

Crash was by the door and saw him gloomily holding the only thing that was left of his past.

She wanted to console him but none of her words didn't seem to fit into something that would help him.

"Slayer, once you began this journey, you knew what had to be done. The demons, those that worship them, it is hopeless to feel sorrow for their choices. All that is left is to make them pay penance for what they have done to mankind." Samuel said as he stepped into the room with a dark blue humanoid body.

"You are not unlike the other mortals anymore. Rise up and avenge those that have been slain by the monsters of hell and give them peace of mind as they rest in thr after life." Samuel said as he smiled at the Slayer.

Doomguy got up and nodded as he marched over to the control room.

"I've already connected you to the Betrayer's home and shall await your return and find a clue to where they shall be next." Samuel said as Doomguy grabbed his shotgun and walked through as Crash just watched him.

"What has he gone through? Does he just show this side to us?" Crash asked as Samuel sighed.

"He has lived too long to feel sadness. He only feels rage for those that suffer. He may not be the hero they want, but he is the hero that mankind needs." Samuel said as he turned to face Crash.

"Now, Miss Crash, I've discovered something very mystifying about you."  Samuel said with a smile.

"You never existed in our reality have you?"

Doomguy stepped into the Betrayer's home as he was recahrging his argent war hammer.

"Hellwalker, what brings you to my penance?" He asked as he turned to look at  Doomguy.

Doomguy tapped his wrist as a holographic video of what he had found appeared.

The Betrayer watched and gasped as he stared at the words.

"He rises yet again." The Betrayer said as he sat down.

"Why will that demonic bastard just die. Now he will take from you. I shall not let that happen. Hellwalker, I shall fight by your side and bring down the heavens yet again. We both know who brought them back. The original Mayker, the one to create the Maykrs himself." The Betrayer said as they both turned to walk out.

The Betrayer stopped as a large plasma cannon attached itself to his shoulders as he looked Doomguy in the eyes.

"Let's raze Hell and burn Heaven."

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