That's when Seokjin took his hand and smacked the back of Jimin's head, immediately rubbing his shoulder again after hearing the younger wince.

     The room fell into a silence soon afterwards, Jeongguk being the way he was and refusing to spare anyone a glance. As mean as he was, he didn't want to go upstairs and pout for the rest of the night while the group sat around their penthouse.

It wasn't clear on what Jungkook wanted to do or what he was actually thinking at the moment, it was clear that everyone was all stuck in sad moods for what had happened.

"I personally don't want to be attacked but . . . Can we at least throw on a movie? I'm not asking we go anywhere or anything like that but our time here is limited and-" Hoseok was cut off.

"Sure," Jungkook said, pushing to stand. "Gguk will put on whatever movie you want, I'll go make popcorn." He only offered because he personally wanted to be excused from the room. He wanted a moment to himself to really put his mind at peace.

After he had made that statement, he left to go into their kitchen, letting out a deep and heavy sigh.

Jungkook wasn't going to lie and say everything went to shambles. Yes, he was extremely upset and annoyed with the events that took place but he felt like now he had a chance to get to learn everything and that's what he wanted to do; know exactly what happened.

He tried to let it go and for a bit, he actually believed that he wasn't effected by Taehyung's disappearance. That belief only lasted so long. It ended when Jeongguk came back from his interview saying that Jimin was the one with him and that he brought up Taehyung.

Until that point, Jungkook actually thought he could move on; get away from what was eating away at him and his brother.

But, unfortunately, things always had a way of finding their way back; always turning back into the issue, bigger than ever.

Jungkook threw a bag into the microwave, pushing the popcorn button and waiting patiently for the snack.



This Friday.

With Taehyung.

That topic on its own traveled into Jungkook's head anytime he tried — truly — to forget about it. It didn't matter what he was doing. Like now, he was trying to watch a horror film yet he was reminded constantly of the issue that occurred. He knew very well that he planned it, he wanted to meet up with Taehyung, but that didn't mean he wasn't nervous or scared or worried.

Actually, Jungkook was worried he gave Taehyung too much time and that Taehyung would leave and he would never get the satisfaction he desired. Jungkook was okay with never seeing or hearing or even thinking of Taehyung again, as long as he knew why Taehyung left in the first place.

Most might think he's overreacting, it was a teenage fling, but Jungkook will never be able to write out on paper or describe in words how happy and how in love he was. Taehyung had their heart and the Jeon Twins believed he would care for them.

Before Jungkook's thoughts could take him any further, he was startled by a jump scare in the movie. Loud screaming and flickering lights. He huffed.

"Anyone want anything? I'm going to go get a drink so if you need anything, say it now." He said. His thought process was thinking a cold splash of water would wash away his worries and bring him back to reality.

Everyone denied, eyes glued to the screen intently.

All besides Jimin who stared out the window. He wasn't particularly close to it but he was avoiding everything else.

Jungkook ignored that, clicking his tongue and walking back into the kitchen to fetch himself a drink but not after turning on the tap and cupping small things of water.

He leaned forward and splashed it on his pale skin, bringing his fingers through his hair to feel the rivulets of water all over his scalp.

"Dramatic, I know, lecture me later, but I think I'm going to call it night." Jeongguk's voice said.

This made Jungkook snap around, unaware that his brother followed him into the kitchen. "Huh?"

"I just said I'm going to go to bed. I'm not feeling good and would like to sleep." Jeongguk repeated, shrugging.

". . ." The younger of the two hummed, drying his hands on his shirt. "You feel sick?"

"I said that so yes."

"Sick as in stomachaches and the shits or sick because of what happened?"

"I'm assuming you know why exactly I want to go to bed, I don't think I need to spell it out for you." Jeongguk gave his smart ass replies, this actually bringing joy to Kook. "So . . . Yeah."

"Can I get a hug?" Jungkook hugged himself, eyes on his brother who stood there with a bit of shock but at the same time he wasn't shocked at all.

The slightly older walked over and opened his arms, wrapping them around Jungkook's shoulders while the aforementioned wrapped his own arms around Jeongguk's small waist.

"Thank you," whispered Jungkook. "Love you."

"Ew," the other pulled back. "You must be taking this shit super hard if it's making you tell me you love me. Disgusting."

"Oh, shut it." Jungkook snickered.

"I guess I love you too, Kook. Sleep well whenever you do." Jeongguk dismissed and walked away.

Jungkook dropped his gaze to the floor, leaning against the counter. "You too," he breathed out.


/-\ /\/
1. Bias and bias wrecker?
2. First BTS song you listened to?
3. Does the A/N look like an A and N? I tried
4. Favorite BTS song?

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