t h i r t y - t h r e e

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     Jeongguk got home from practice, feeling utterly exhausted and drained.

He got his ass kicked at practiced, feeling absolutely weak from everything. His body was craving a nice warm shower and some well needed bed rest.

When he walked in, he didn't even bother greeting Taehyung and Jeongguk who were indulged in a movie.

He heard them ask how he was but he decided he didn't want to deal with it. He just continued past them and carried his aching body to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

Jeongguk had a long practice and it look basically the whole day. He had to condition, practice plays, go over errors he made in his previous game, and more.

He wasn't in the mood to talk or to discuss how horrid his day was.

Instead, he wanted to be left alone for the rest of the night, just dwell in his own solitude.

It probably wasn't the healthiest thing to do when feeling as Jeongguk did but he definitely didn't care on what was considered healthy.

     He huffed, dragging his weight over to his closet. He needed a shower before the end of the night, regardless of how exhausted his aching body felt.

Jeongguk pulled out a casual pajama set which consisted of black sweatpants and a grey T-shirt. It was just some clothes he wanted to throw on after his shower.

Jeongguk then went back through his closet to find a hoodie and he came across a very special item all the way in the back of his closet.

It was his Panthers jersey but not the one he would wear for games, no, it was the one Taehyung had spent so much money on back then.

It was custom and the first jersey he's owned. His high school jerseys didn't count, those were never his to keep but this one, this was his.

The twin pulled it off the basic hanger and looked at it in his hands, feeling the quality of it. It was cold to the touch, looking just a bit faded from sitting in his closet for so many untouched years.

He walked over to his bed and sat on the edge, eyes scanning every little detail. Jeongguk could feel the corners of his lips twitch upward, almost smiling but the frown was stronger.

The NFL player brought the jersey to his chest and hugged it close to his body, squeezing his eyes shut as he embraced it — almost like it was an actual person he was hugging.

Jeongguk was so caught up in the moment that he didn't hear his door open, the quiet footsteps growing closer until the person stood nothing but a few feet away.


Jeongguk jumped and shoved away the jersey as if it was suddenly burning his skin. He looked up and was greeted by Jungkook, his brother a bit confused.

"Why are you in my room?" Jeongguk looked away, pushing back up and grabbing the clothes he prepared for his after shower.

"You looked upset, just wanted to check on you. Why're your holding your jersey?" Jungkook questioned and walked to where it was discarded, picking it up in his own hands.


"Wait," Jungkook turned it around and looked all over it, sudden realization. "Is this the one Taehyung got you?" He wondered.

"Stop touching my shit, get out." Jeongguk yanked it away from Jungkook, shaking his head. "I hate when you touch my things." He added on, becoming really annoyed. Jeongguk returned to his closet and grabbed the hanger, hanging it back up.

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