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"So you gave it to her?"

Subaru poked his sandwich. "I did."

Ezra stayed silent, biting into his pancake. "How did she react?"

It was Subaru's turn to stay silent. "I don't know. She didn't say anything but she did asked me questions."

Ezra stiffened, eyes growing wide. "Did you tell her about me?"

Subaru shook his head. "No. I think that it should be you who tells her."

Ezra shuffled in his seat. "Do you think that she'll take it lightly?"

"I don't think so. It's been a week since I gave her the letter."

That day, Subaru wondered and questioned what would happen to their friendship. The look on Koharu's face is something Subaru understood very well. "Why me?" Yes, why her? Even Koharu looked like she didn't want the letter. But Subaru can't blame her.

"Why didn't she wrote you one?" Koharu's voice broke.

"I don't know." Subaru answered.

Koharu stared at the letter, tears now forming in her eyes. "After 2 years, this is what she left behind? 2 years and-" Koharu looked at Subaru, tears rapidly flowing. "She didn't leave anything for you?"

Subaru stayed silent. He too wanted to cry. "The key? Did you find the key by yourself?"

Subaru knew that Koharu is forcing herself to talk. She didn't want her voice to break. Subaru nodded his head. Koharu gulped, heaving for air as she wiped away her tears but that didn't stop them.

"A letter? Who would h-have thought."

Ah. It broke.

"But why me? Why me? Why not you?" Sniff. "Y-Your her boyfriend and I-I'm her b-best friend. She could have w-wrote to her parents or t-the others. She could h-have wrote to all of us."

"I'm sorry Subaru. I don't know what I'm saying."

He didn't either but Subaru wondered what would happen to them. He wondered what will happen when Ezra tells everyone what he told him. How will they react? How will Zen react? Koharu? What then? What will happen to all of them? He didn't know. And for the first time in forever, Subaru didn't know Yume.

"What will happen?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know." Subaru answered.

Now it is Ezra's turn to poke his pancake. "Koharu will hate me."

Ezra glanced at Subaru. "Do you hate me?"

Subaru paused. "No."

"I'm missing something aren't I?" Zen asked as he sat beside Ezra.

"No?" Subaru stressed.

"The gloomy atmosphere isn't invisible, Subaru. What's wrong?"

Ezra smiled weakly at Zen. "Nothing's wrong."

"Don't think that I didn't notice yours as well."

"It's really nothing."

Zen stayed silent. "I know, it's not."


It's a Sunday morning. Subaru decided to take Zen's advice and not drink caffeine. But Subaru didn't know what to do. He could go outside and go for a walk or jog but Subaru doesn't want to leave the threshold of his house. After finding out the clues, Subaru had nothing to do. But he's dreading of what will happen once Koharu decided to talk to him. But what will Koharu do? Ezra is waiting for the outburst and so is he.

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