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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter yet again.

"Ezra Nagisa" Ezra flinched on the spot when Elza spoke. He cautiously looked her way before anything else can happen. Elza crossed her legs and did her signature look. "How old are you?"

Ezra let out a sigh of relief when he heard the question wasn't to hard. "I-I'm 21" Else's eyes widened in surprise "21? You're so young!" Ezra scratched his nape in embarrassment.

"Me and Zen met online when I was 12. I was shocked when he asked me if we could see each other after 2 years of our friendship. And it turns out that we have a 4 year gap"

"4 year gap? So they were 18 while you are 14?" Ezra nodded his head " And you're gay? " Ezra let out a shriek of horror. "What was that?" Subaru questioned Nozumo "Probably a rat?" Subaru bursted out laughing "A rat? You're joking"

"H-How what wait hah?" Elsa chucked at Ezra's confused state. " I'm not gay" Ezra mumbled only for Elza to hear "Oh. You're bi" Ezra nodded in embarrassment.

"How did you know?" Elza shrugged "I have a gaydar even though I'm not lesbian or bi" Ezra blinked at her and Elza winked at him.


"Okay I'm not ready" Koharu laughed lightly.

"You never have stage fright until now Subaru! Just keep calm"

Subaru shook his head from left to right eagerly "It's not that it's just that there just wasn't this many people here last year and year before that too"

"What difference does it make?"



"What's wrong Ezra?" Ezra lifted his head only to see Laura smiling down at him. "Oh well just nervous?" Ezra squeaked out shyly. Laura took a seat across him and handed him a cup of orange juice.

"What are you nervous about? See someone you like?" Laura questioned skeptically while Ezra chocked at his cup. Laura alarmingly tried to help him but Ezra signaled that he doesn't need any help.

Ezra coughed a few times before replying "No. The person I like is dead. So no?"

"You don't have to speak so darkly!" Laura laughed silently, stopping when she saw the seriousness in his orange citrus orbs.

"Wait. For real?"


"Who is it?"

"Subaru's sister"

Laura's eyes went wide at the statement.

Word Count : 378

Fall On Me | ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora