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Zen stared at his phone, determine in his eyes. He's going to find Ezra and make everything right. He didn't mean it. He didn't mean for it to happen like this, he didn't plan it like that.

"Where are you?" Zen mumbled.

And he ran. To wherever his feet can take him.


Ezra whipped the remaining tears from his face. "What a jerk," A new voice said. "That friend of yours"

Ezra nodded his head yes. "I didn't expect him to know"

Ezra ran into the amusement park he and Zen went to and took refuge inside the Ohagi Station. The manager gladly took him in.

The manager placed a plate in front of him. "Well if he knew, he shouldn't have said it like that"

Ezra thanked him and prayed a prayer. He ate a piece of ohagi. "Your sho kind"

The manager chuckled. "Don't mention it. You actually remind me of someone"

"Shomeone?" Ezra asked, mouth full of ohagi.

"Yup. In fact, you look like a male version of her"

"Her?" Ezra swallowed the ohagi.

"Yup. She would come here with her boyfriend. They would sometimes watch You and Me or Safe Heaven"

"Do you know her name?" Ezra asked, cautiously.

"With the many times she come here? Of course! Her name is Nijino Yume"

Ezra smiled softly. "Oh. Her" He gripped the pendant hidden in his shirt.

The manager sighed sadly. "Yeah. But sadly she died"


"Bone marrow failure"

Ezra smiled grimly. "That's a shame" He gripped the pendant tightly.


Zen huffed and glared at the building. "Why-are-you-so-far?" He took in a deep breathe and growled loudly.

"Mommy is he alright?" A little boy asked, tugging his mother's skirt gently.

"Just ignore him" His mother dragged him away, giving Zen a weary gaze.

Zen rolled his eyes and sighed. "I hope your in here Ezra"


"Anyways, would you like to see a movie of some sort?" The manager asked Ezra, placing a glass of water.

"No thanks sir" Ezra took the glass and drank it.

"Well, do you read books?"

"Yes. Well I like to read english books better than japanese books" said Ezra.

"Oh then, you'll love this book" The manager went inside a room and returned with a book.

"I loved this book. This was given by Yume"

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