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"So where will the surprise be?"

"Where Zen works."

Subaru rose an eyebrow. "That's surprising."

Koharu chuckled. "I know right. I didn't expect it. I think Zen managed to convinced his boss to let him throw a surprise for Ezra."

"Do you think he'll announce?" Asked Subaru.

"About their contract?"


"Do you want a bet?"

Subaru laughed. "¥100?"



Subaru and Koharu reached the cafe and parked  somewhere Zen and Ezra can't see the car.

"So our final bets?" Koharu asked.

"Zen and Ezra will confess during the party or Zen and Ezra will confess after the party." Subaru smirked.

"I'll bet they'll confess during the party." Koharu chuckled.

"Then I'll bet after."

They laughed and proceeded to get out of the car. As they walked Subaru thought about the guests. "Who did you invite?"

"Mahiru, Asahi, Mr. and Mrs. Igarashi, Ako and Kanata."

"Just us?"

"Yeah. Well were the only people Ezra gets along with."

Subaru nodded his head. "That's true."

They entered the cafe and Subaru is surprised by the decorations. There were balloons in different shapes and colours, ranging from pink to yellow to red to orange. The streamers were there, floating in the ceiling and a few streamers were hanging from the ceiling and there were pictures hanging from there as well. The floor had stripped up pieces of paper. Everyone was there except Zen and Ezra. They all stopped talking when Subaru and Koharu entered.

"Well Subaru and Koharu are here!"

"Someone get the cake!"

"Has anyone seen the party poppers?"

"But Kanata you're already holding one?"

"Are the food and drinks ready?"

"Hey where's the candle!"

"Who has the matches?"

"Who are one of the cupcakes?!"



"Everyone hide!"

And quickly Subaru and Koharu hid behind a table. Kanata and Nozumo held the party poppers as they both hid at each of the doors side. Laura and Ako also hid behind a table, holding the cake. Mahiru hid behind a chair while Asahi grabbed some balloons on the floor, stacked them and buried himself under it. Everyone waited patiently until they can see Ezra, whose eyes were covered by Zen's hands, and Zen walking towards the cafe. They waited patiently until they entered the cafe. Nozumo held three fingers and slowly counted to zero before,

"Happy birthday Ezra!"

The party poppers made a loud noise as the papers flew out. Everyone jumped from there hiding places, Asahi making the balloons go everywhere, Laura and Ako stood up with the cake and showed it to Ezra who had a look of disbelief written on his face.

"Wait it's my birthday?"

Everyone laughed. "Yes."

Ezra blushed in embarrassment. "I can't believe I forgot my own birthday."

Everyone laughed as they went forward to where Ezra stood.

"Happy birthday Ezra."

Word Count : 465

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