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A/N: Sorry for not updating the book. Things became hectic, I went to Negros to accompany my cousin because her mother is invited to her best friend's wedding, in which I strayed away from writing. I've been working on through my rewritten version of "The most important things you might lose" and now one of my relatives died. Anyways, this chapter and the chapter before (XV) and the next chapter are just filler chapters. The wedding will come after the next chapter.


Subaru winced as Koharu typed rapidly unto her phone.

"Come on Zen, pick up" Subaru mumbled as held the phone close.


Koharu bursts out crying. "Where are you Ezra?"

10 hours ago

Ezra was pacing back and forth, a smile on his face. It was one of those days where he and Zen would hang out together. He checked the time and sighed. It was almost nine o' clock and Ezra can't wait to see Zen.


And he felt his soul left his body.

"I'm sorry Ezra!"


Zen and Ezra did a lot of things in the mid morning. They went to an amusement park, they rode different kinds of rides, ate a lot of cotton candy, and settled in an Ohagi station (they also sell normal food) for lunch.

Ezra beamed. "Ohagi"

Zen chuckled "Your drooling"

Ezra whipped the drool falling from the sides of his mouth with a tissue. Zen couldn't help but stare at the person in front of him. He looks a like Shira.

"Hey Zen," Ezra started. "Have you heard of the new update of Toram? You can build your own house in your own land! How cool is that?"

Zen couldn't help but smile. There were times in where Ezra would be a nervous wreck, rambling and blushing and being shy, and their were times in where he would be an adorable cinnamon roll who loves ToramOnline.

"That would be nice. The pets can have their own little home in your room"

Ezra nodded his head eagerly. "A cute little bed!"

Zen nodded in agreement. "A cute little bed by your side of the bed"


Its been exactly five hours of them playing the game, and things were not looking pretty. When they finished lunch, they went to Zen's house to play Toram Online. They tested the new update out and they had fun. It was almost six, and Zen said something that made Ezra uncomfortable.

"Hey Ezra, how do you know that you feel attracted towards boys?"

Ezra flinched. "W-What are you talking about?"

"Your gay right?" Zen pushed, now looking at his direction.

"H-How are you able to decide that?"

"Well, by the way you look at me-"

"You knew this whole time?" Ezra snapped.

And Zen knew he messed up. "Ah no wait-"

But it was too late, Ezra glared at him with tears in his eyes. "You knew and you decided to tell me this way? After all those years we spent together with Shira?"

Ezra stood up pocketing his phone inside his hoodie. "How could you say this now? And like this?" And without another word, before Zen could say anything, Ezra ran away, away from Zen and his house.


Subaru clicked his tongue. "Where is he?"

Koharu is sobbing into Asahi's arms. "Subaru, can you try again?" Asahi asked Subaru, stroking Koharu's hair gently.

Subaru dialed the phone number again and waited. Until finally, Zen answered the call. "Zen! Where are you?"

"Wait-a-minute" Zen huffed.

And Subaru waited. "Are you okay now?"


"What happened?" Subaru asked. "It wasn't that clear, the explanation. You just texted Nanakura that Ezra ran away and now Nanakura is panicking"

"I know. I messed something up and now I'm willing to make this right" Subaru nodded.

"I'll make this right Subaru," Zen said with determination in his eyes. "I promise"

Word Count : 570

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